CCS NetworkHey all, tomorrow is August 1st and the New Payment System we started distributing on the 17th of June will go live for all CCS regions.

A few things to keep in mind.

1.) Its a new system so we'll need to do some tweaking as it goes live.
2.) If you paid into August on the old CCS payment system, we will need you to contact us so we can set up the appropriate payment days in August for your sim. (Please contact us AFTER August 1st).
3.) If your sim deactivates and has no CCS service, please contact us so we can determine if you are registered with the New Payment System, it is possible that somehow in the last month and a half you missed all the notices and news about the New Payment System.
4.) If your sim deactivates but you do have the New Payment System registered, the sim in question may have the wrong owner assigned (the system auto-selected sim owners based on admin status) we've done our best over the last month to ensure we've manually checked questionable assignments and assigned the right owners to the right regions, but there could be some issues in that area, just contact me or She Juniper or Maldoror Bowman and we will be more than happy to assist you.
5.) If you are paying for your region via Paypal and have not, as yet, contacted me to confirm your Paypal payment email with me, you may need to do so to ensure that we have your database payment settings set correctly.
6.) Paypal payments are still accepted and if you are paying via Paypal, you are not required to use the New Payment System at all, the New Payment System is for Linden Dollar payments only.
7.) Some sim nick names on the database have been shortened to prevent an error with the current New Payment System dialogs, we will be making an update to the New Payment System soon and it will be available via the SL Marketplace.

Overall, there may be some hiccups as we transition over to the new system but all it takes to fix those is to communicate with CCS Administration and we'll be happy to sort out whatever the problem is. Once we get through the intial transition hump here, there should not be any problem whatsoever.

Also I must stress here that if you have not contacted me for a New Payment System in the last month and a half, and you are not paying your system access via Paypal, your sim will deactivate on the network as of August 7th, 2012. All sims found inactive on September 7th, 2012, will be fully removed from the CCS system. So even if you go inactive and don't notice, you will have a month to sort the situation out with us, any sim that has not, will be removed from the servers.

Thanks all, and lets get through tomorrow patiently and hopefully with as few errors as possible. But don't worry if there is an error, we'll fix it, just have to contact us and let us know what your problem is.
CCS NetworkDue to some increases in server expenses I need to offset the cost of the upgrades/increases in some manner and since I don't like to ask for money without giving something in return, for the months of July to the end of September we'll be doing a temporary change to the double XP policy along with a sale.

From July to September you can now schedule double XP for your sim chains twice in one 30 day period.

Sim chains that purchase 3 days will get a 4th day free.

As per usual all double XP scheduling for any chain in CCS must have at least 7 days between the last active date and the start of the next double XP period.

This will last for the next 90 days or so til I've been able to offset the cost of the server upgrades. After we've been able to cover the upgrade costs, we'll return to normal double XP policy.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter and have fun.

As per usual you can schedule double XP through myself, or She Juniper by contacting us in Second Life.
CCS Network06/27/2012 - Update Information:

If you are seeing the following error:
[02:37] CCS Sim Owner Payment System: Touched.
[02:37] CCS Sim Owner Payment System: No items are posted
[02:38] CCS Sim Owner Payment System: The payment system returned an unexpected error code: INVALID_AMOUNT
[02:38] CCS Sim Owner Payment System: Session finished, terminal resetting

This is because the New Payment System is not yet activated on the database, so your sims are not currently registered under NPS.

NPS will be turned on on at midnight on July 2nd, the first payment date under the new system will be August 1st, to allow people that have their meters paid into July the full month of their service before the NPS drafts payments on the 1st of August.

Hey folks, heres a quick overview of the new CCS Payment System, how it works, and how its going to save you, me and everyone else a lot of time. The new system allows you to personally own your payment meter, and communicates directly with the CCS database to get its information on when your payment is due.

Primary features of convenience are:
- No further need for payment meters placed by CCS administrators.
- The Payment System when rezzed and registered with the server will make payments for all sims you are the owner of, requiring only one payment computer even if you own 20 sims.
- The Payment System will automatically make your CCS Payment for you on the 1st Day of every month without you needing to interface with it at all.
- The Payment System will allow you to make pre-payments for service for up to four months, pre-empting any need for auto-debiting a monthly payment for the duration you have paid.
- You can't accidently return it, and even if you do, you own it so you can place it right back out.
- Easily blends in with home furnishings and other home decor, low prim mesh design.
- Can be placed anywhere! (Does not need to be rezzed in a CCS active sim to manage the CCS sims you own).
- No Mod/Copy/No Trans permissions.

The New CCS Payment Meter - You Own It

On Rez Debit Permissions

This is simply informing you that by agreeing to the debit permissions, this object will automatically debit payments from your Linden Dollar Balance on your payment due date. The CCS Payment System will NEVER automatically debit more than L$4500 per sim that you own. So if you own one sim, the object will only automatically debit L$4500 on the first day of the month from your Linden Dollar Balance.

If you do not have have L$4500 in your Linden Dollar Balance on the 1st day of the month, the payment attempt will fail, and your sim will temporarily be deactivated and you will need to contact CCS Administration to reactivate the sim after the payment failure is fixed.

Pre-Payment Menu

This will ask you if you want to make a pre-payment. Pre-payments allow you to pay your CCS payments ahead of time for up to four months, just like the current CCS payment meters. Pre-payments are not compulsory, you may make them if you feel the need or wish to pre-pay in advance. Otherwise simply leaving the payment system rezzed with automatically make payments for all the sims you currently own on the first day of the month every month.
Sim Ownership Menu

The above shows the pre-payment sims list, this is basically pulling a list of all your active CCS sims that are on the New Payment System. All CCS Sims will be switched over to the New Payment System on the 1st of July, 2012, any sim that has not made payment for service by August 1st, 2012, will be deactivated.

Sim Owners should contact me or She Juniper between now and the 1st of July to get their new Payment Systems, and to ensure we've got your regions set up with the right owners specified.

Feel free to also ask questions in the forum thread related to this update!
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