CCS NetworkBonjour a tous,

Un petit message pour vous faire découvrir une nouvelle sim rp ccs qui va ouvrir ce week end le 26 fevrier 2012.
Le magnifique build est de Spirit Nayar

Les Monts Brumeux



Vous êtes nombreux à avoir constaté une baisse du niveau du rôleplay depuis un moment. Quand le RP se limite à se battre pour cumuler de l’XP, vous entendrez bien que nous ne puissions plus appeler ça un RP.

Le système de meter CCS, retenu pour la sim, est pour nous un outil très utile pour métrer les combats, mais sachez qu’il n’est pas une fin en soi. En effet, le niveau de level n’étant pas une garantie de bon jeu de rôle ;

-) Les paysages de la Sim s’inspirent de la Terre du Milieu de J. R. R. Tolkien. Ce n’est pas fidèle, mais cela permet à tous d’avoir une idée de l’ambiance générale et de trouver un scénario de nouveau personnage, ou d’adaptation de son personnage existant.

Scenario (Background)

Epoque : Ere de paix et de bonté.

Lieu : Terre des monts Brumeux, citée médiévaleObjet : « Les nouvelles »

Source : Journal des Chevaliers de la Table

"Nous écrivons ce jour ce que nous savons et entendons. Les faits sont là et nous relatons ce qu'il est advenu de ces terres et ce qu'il en advient. Nous ne savons ce qu'il en adviendra." « La légende raconte qu'autrefois ces terres étaient habitées par des elfes, des hommes, et d’autres créatures, sous la protection de 4 Dragons : "Arboth" le dragon blanc, protecteur au Nord Est de la citée des Hauts Elfes, "Akulatraxas", dragon vert protecteur de la forêt des vertes feuilles, "Bullar" dragon noir régnant sur les Monts Brumeux dominant les terres en observateur du monde depuis son esprit assoupi, et "Gramzon" dragon bleu nuit protecteur au Nord Ouest de Hautepierre, petite bourgade peuplée d’hommes. Il est écrit dans les vieux parchemins que ces 4 dragons devaient s'en aller le jour ou le monde serait en paix. Ce jour arriva et les 4 dragons se réunirent et confièrent les terres à la protection des hommes. C'est ainsi que la citée humaine fut gardienne des trésors les plus fabuleux de toutes les races. Chaque Seigneur de Hautepierre et chaque génération d'humain s'étaient vus compter cette histoire légendaire et merveilleuse. Ainsi de génération en génération il était et est de rigueur de protéger ces terres.

Après le départ des 4 protecteurs, le monde était bien en paix racontent les parchemins, et chaque race partît rejoindre ses terres au delà des Monts. Les Elfes rejoignirent leurs terres d’origines. Les nains rejoignirent leur grottes et les hobbits leur contrée. Les humains se divisèrent et certains décidèrent de rester parmi les monts brumeux pour protéger les trésors qu'elle renferme. C'est ainsi que fut crée la table ronde des chevaliers protecteurs. Des chevaliers de tous horizons protégeant le royaume et ses merveilles au péril de leur vie.

Si aujourd'hui, les terres sont repeuplée en partie par chaque race ayant voulu revenir et si les terres sont toujours en paix, des rumeurs font bruit depuis peu, des histoires provoquent des insomnies. Il se raconte que des créatures, par delà les terres des Monts Brumeux, pénètrent régulièrement dans la forêt des vertes feuilles et des lieux sacrés. Il se raconte également que dans la grotte peuplée jadis par les nains, une créature y vivrait. Il est raconté que des animaux sont retrouvés égorgés, vidés de leur sang, que des traces de loups géants sont visibles non loin du bois des Elfes et que la nuit, des oiseaux noirs migrent par les terres brumeuses.Parallèlement à ces bruits, un plus lourd fléau sévit par delà les terres. Les Elfes eux mêmes n'y résistent pas : dans la peur et la rage qui fait claquer les bouclier et déchirer les épées, on commence à assister au retour d’elfs de lumière et même de sylvains. On aperçoit quelques fois dans les forêts ces créatures majestueuses et merveilleuses. Le Peuple des Etoile ainsi appelé par les humains, image de beauté chantante, a de nouveau besoin de la protection des Monts Brumeux.

De nos jours, les dragons ne sont plus, il ne reste que nos bras et nos armes rouillées de chevaliers, nains, efs et hobbits, il ne reste que notre table ronde et notre conseil pour protection. Nous ne voulons pas de ce mal chez nous et nous sommes hésitants quant à l’accueil à réserver aux étrangers posant le pied sur ces terres merveilleuses. Dans ces temps de paix, nous savons que par le Nord arrive le mal, nous ne savons pas à quoi il ressemble exactement mais nous le combattrons au péril de nos vies. »

"Que les paix demeurent, que jamais les terres ne se meurent, que perdurent vie et bonté".Les Chevaliers de la table

Les races n’ayant pas leur place dans l’univers médiéval fantastique ne seront pas admises.
Idée de races à jouer sur les Monts Brumeux :
- Homme ou femme ou animal habitant la cité médiévale (Mage, bucheron, chevalier, Taverniere, boulanger, messager, maréchal ferrant, tapissière, etc)
- Homme ou femme hobbit
- Ent et dryade
- Nain ou naine
- Fée
- Orc /Troll
- Lutin
- Elfs (de lumière, sylvains, des marais, drows) Cette liste n’est evidemment pas exhaustive.

Pour toute demande particulière, contactez Constance Foxclaw.

ouverture le 26 février 2012

Les Monts Brumeux CCS Elfique, , Monts Brumeux (47, 214, 56)
CCS NetworkHey all just as a heads up, we've removed the delete button from player profiles.

The reasoning for this is to eliminate an exploit that some no-life individual has been using on occasion to delete 30 or 40 peoples CCS records. Its not occurred too often, but its occurred often enough for us to design a couple different methods of addressing it.

We did create a password protection system for your profile, but we decided that would confuse people, and they wouldn't understand why their profile was asking them to set a password. Also adding a password field for your profile just adds something else for someone to try to hack into, so we decided to just remove the delete function entirely.

Most players don't need that function, low level players that aren't sure what race they want to be might use it on occasion, but if a low level player needs their record deleted so they can try a different race, then they can ask a GM to do that. Players that no longer wish to play CCS can simply stop playing CCS, no reason to delete the record.

And overall it stops a low tech URL string exploit from putting people's data at risk.

To explain, the process of someone deleting your record from your profile is a fairly indepth process that requires someone to spend a lot of time to get a certain piece of data, then then use a web browser and use a profile link, put your name in and your CCS ID data into it, and it allows them to access your profile. And thats the reason why its only 30 or 40 people at best any time it occurs, it takes a fair amount of time for the exploiter to get it done.

Last night we had another of these URL manipulation attacks hit 30 or so players, we restored all records immediately to their state prior to deletion so no player data has been lost.

And now some malcontent can't just pull up your profile and delete you either and it takes a lot less development work than creating some kind of wild dynamic unique ID that changes every time you query our server, which would cost more time than its really worth with the other projects we're currently invested in.

So, no more delete button on your profile, if you need your record deleted, contact a local GM for the sim you're in. Thank you.
CCS NetworkJust to ensure everyone is aware of the status of development of the Community Combat System I figured I'd do a quick news update to give people an idea of our intended road map for the system over the next year.

First of all we've been working on CCS 1.0.5 and there are beta units in testing and play out in the general network as of this time. The testers are providing us with plenty of feedback in regards to potential faults or bugs in the deployment candidate and we're doing our best to ensure this next meter update is completely solid and bug free, providing Linden Labs doesn't break another LSL operator somewhere in the next 12 months.

The are a few reasons for the long delay on this update, the first being that we want to solidify and finalize all the features of CCS as it is now in the CCS 1.0.5 meter release so the game experience continues to be as efficient and fun to play as possible for all our users. There has also been a few recent additions to the LSL scripting language that we're currently adapting the 1.0.5 version of the meter around to ensure better efficiency and security. And also we are taking our time with this release so we can pretty much freeze CCS 1.0.5 as the final version of the Community Combat System as it is currently designed.

Our development road map for after CCS 1.0.5 is fairly in-depth. We intend to immediately address the situation with the CCS 3rd Party API Development market by finalizing API 3.0 as our next major step in the development process, and it will become our next development priority after the CCS 1.0.5 release.

It is my intention, once we have finalized CCS 1.0.5 and API 3.0 as completely sanded off and as bug free as possible, to declare the Community Combat System as it is currently as a final product. This means that other than addressing exploits or faults in the game balance, we will do no further development of the Community Combat System beyond the 1.0.5 meter release and the API 3.0 update.

This does not mean that we are going to call it a day and sit around doing nothing though.

In 2009 I roughed out a very rough development document that revolved around the idea of an RPG that would succeed CCS as the next chapter of Second Life game development for this design team. With the upcoming release of the Linden Lab Game Development Kit, it is my intent to focus fully on making that system I saw a reality.

I realize that many people do not understand why development takes as long as it does. And why CCS2 was not already completed, but the demands of the gigantic network of players and sims under CCS as it currently is has constantly required my attention since the end of 2009 when I roughed out the plan for CCS2, and with our small development team, it simply has not been feasible to work the CCS2 project while attempting to cater to the current CCS project as responsibly as possible.

So effectively, once we've released CCS 1.0.5, be on the look out for API 3.0 not too long after that. And after both are released and shown to be working as intended, you may not hear much from the CCS Development Team until the CCS2 beta starts.

CCS is a great system, with a great player base, but it is well past time to advance the concept. And to continue maintaining CCS development at the rate we've maintained it over the last five years would simply keep CCS2 from happening at all. And it is my belief that CCS2 will address the inequities and imbalances of the CCS system, which was never designed with the level of success its had in mind, and allow role play development of characters in a more free form manner where levels no longer matter and its the skill of character design and understanding how your design works that truly makes the difference in who your character is "in" CCS2, and how that character plays.

So thats basically the plan. I'm not abandoning CCS at all, so please do not get that impression, but theres a time when you have to step back and declare something as done as it can possibly be, and the only way to improve on it will be to rebuild it entirely from the ground up.

CoLA residents and players can expect something of the same in regards to a redesign and recommitting of time and resources to refining the CoLA community experience as well, with not only a new mesh build, but many improvements in regards to how the city is structured and refocus on our story and lore as the basis for our communities foundation.

So thats pretty much my intentions. With the time that myself, Melanie and Maldoror have, my intention is to move forward, rather than continue to spin our wheels in the same place, as we have for several years now.

As per my statements when I first revealed my plans for CCS2, CCS will always stay available for communities that prefer to use it, and CCS records will not be reset in any way. All players will retain everything they have gained over the time they have played.

So in final, CCS 1.0.5 and API 3.0 is for you, our players and sim owners. CCS2 is for us, so we can once again push out the envelope of what Second Life can do, and perhaps you all will like it too, once we've got it finished, and you've gotten to see the vision I had two years ago.

Thanks all, appreciate your patience and your support!
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