This page conserves the character fiction forum of the Agora forums. The posts have been left unformatted to make it easier for users to copy them here and paste them into the new forums.

Oren Itanooren12/10/08 18:25View
Missy12/10/08 22:22View
The backstory of Vulpes.Vulpes12/11/08 01:46View
Erica KesselErica Kessel12/11/08 07:52View
Missy's Story.. a Do-over and another ChapterMissy12/11/08 22:38View
UsrBinPerl12/11/08 23:48View
oren12/11/08 23:57View
Kwekwe's BackstoryKwekwe Karu12/12/08 01:02View
UsrBinPerl12/13/08 00:35View
Eternal SunsetMissy12/13/08 12:19View
Kit Ristow12/14/08 00:01View
ShyMathys12/14/08 00:27View
MasksAlissa12/14/08 00:58View
Lorae12/14/08 01:24View
UsrBinPerl12/14/08 22:07View
Missy's Story Continued..Part 3Missy12/16/08 08:43View
Missy's Story Part 4: Innocence ShatteredMissy12/16/08 18:34View
Missy's Story Part 5: Innocence AnnihilatedMissy12/18/08 17:16View
Small DangersVox12/18/08 21:36View
Saint of The Abyss: Part 1Luciferiel12/19/08 05:21View
Zero....-1Justa Zero12/19/08 17:38View
Zero....1Justa Zero12/19/08 18:26View
Óðr’s Daughter. Chapter I: A Guiding DreamAsil Karu12/20/08 02:39View
Omega To Alphaerinnic12/23/08 16:49View
Her Bloody Tears [-Past Event-]Methias12/23/08 18:09View
Lost Kitsune - A Shattered MindKiera12/25/08 18:51View
Usr's story Part IVUsrBinPerl12/27/08 20:34View
The EssexHeir Maelstrom12/29/08 04:23View
Kwekwe's shameKwekwe Karu12/30/08 18:11View
Joint Round Robin Fic Anyone...?erinnic12/30/08 19:07View
God Was On Her Lips As She Diederinnic01/02/09 23:31View
Love and Betrayal - A New Beginningkessjuliesse01/03/09 13:46View
The Diary of Cody Woodhencodywoodhen01/05/09 21:35View
Missy's Story Part 6: Innocence AbductedMissy01/07/09 06:23View
Cursed BladeYannis_Martynov01/08/09 21:27View
Story Thread: Community Round Robin Ficerinnic01/09/09 23:25View
The demon withinCanly Fargis01/11/09 16:14View
Ziau- CoLA's Very Own CasanovaZiau01/13/09 02:09View
Twisted Attentionserinnic01/21/09 20:34View
Inspiration- music and roleplayZiau01/26/09 08:01View
Compilation! Where were you when it all happened?Ziau01/28/09 09:12View
The Clock Struck MidnightMalice Ashdene01/28/09 22:31View
With Precision- a poem by Kelly Welch A.k.A Ziau Jua.Ziau01/29/09 04:36View
Alisa's dicovery of a new world (character sheet + story)Alisa Draconia01/30/09 19:17View
The Shadow Stepper- Ziau the Enshadowed.Ziau02/01/09 07:26View
Krista Lemon arrives to the streets of Lost AngelsKrista02/03/09 00:09View
Back Story Upto the Excile of Rune.RuneCrimson02/03/09 21:59View
War with the Brood, war with the Coven, and the Pack.Ziau02/07/09 04:11View
-- Halcyon's Backstory --Halcyon Nacht02/08/09 00:22View
Planer/Exonar family (aka, Erinyse, Khalan, Viridian, Cummere, Selena)Cummere Mayo02/08/09 03:53View
Kit's BackstoryKit Ristow02/10/09 18:40View
Eyes in the DarkKeyla02/11/09 09:47View
Surfacing Part ILlyr02/13/09 22:21View
Surfacing Part IILlyr02/13/09 22:35View
Tama-Chan: A Cat's Story (Tamara's background)Tamara02/17/09 07:35View
Project: A map of Post Apocalypse North AmericaTamara02/17/09 19:21View
Dreamtime RevelationsWinter02/19/09 18:08View
Reaver-the echo of the BlackwindAntiZero02/23/09 00:43View
On the Origin of SpeciesTamara02/25/09 22:38View
ConfessionKit Ristow02/26/09 01:39View
Personnel File: Pointe, Zsuzsanna C. (Inactive, Deceased)Su Pointe02/26/09 03:32View
Malice, in a Different Kind of WonderlandMalice Ashdene02/27/09 18:07View
The Dark of InspirationKit Ristow03/01/09 21:42View
Jheric: CrucifiedKayle Ashdene03/03/09 10:53View
It's my lifearsene_Braveheart03/05/09 18:18View
The Tradgedy of the HybridDigital Enigma03/29/09 07:09View
The Sin of Wrathmolly switchblade04/02/09 21:28View
Golden BoyEphran Ehrler04/15/09 06:12View
Story About A GirlAesendria04/24/09 15:34View
Climaxe by Smith and WessonSloan04/28/09 06:19View
My new project ATTENTION Russian Characters!Ziau05/01/09 06:42View
**NSFW** A Typical Tuesday Night for MissyMissy05/06/09 20:48View
Post your profile links!Cortero Landar05/07/09 10:25View
Making Logan SufferAesendria05/12/09 07:09View
Jeanne VarunJeanne Varun05/14/09 08:24View
The Vanguard's True PurposeLogan05/16/09 01:03View
Cortero's Infernal ArmorCortero Landar05/16/09 06:52View
Bookstore SurpriseAesendria05/16/09 23:16View
Post your profile links if you have in-story info in them!Cortero Landar05/18/09 10:33View
PromisesAesendria05/24/09 02:44View
Cyber Evolution Bios, Anur Seda, Cyber Reaper, and Commander of CETheassassin06/08/09 11:28View
Was any of it real?Youko_Giha06/12/09 15:28View
A shift in prioritiesLogan06/17/09 04:21View
Going homeLudvig06/17/09 19:10View
'Ren in Japanoren06/18/09 23:11View
Thelma across the boardThelemaJuliesse06/26/09 15:09View
Pre-fiction: How Kayteear got here.Kayteear07/15/09 16:43View
Story TimeCharissa07/17/09 19:03View
Pack Airship RP.Tai07/27/09 02:49View
My CharacterLilith1308/05/09 22:34View
LilithLilith1308/06/09 09:30View
The Haunter in the DarkShadow08/14/09 21:50View
The Flying HeadsKwekwe Karu08/16/09 16:52View
Why selling coffins is impossible in CoLAZiau08/23/09 04:14View
Paint it red!Ziau08/23/09 07:51View
Young Cowards.Ziau08/23/09 08:28View
Great video for RPers and people passionate about writing.Ziau09/05/09 08:55View
Dux - 264 BCDux09/10/09 18:41View
The Thing at South Gate SanitariumShadow09/15/09 22:09View
♪♫ Do you wanna RP my avatar ♪♫Kayteear09/17/09 14:45View
Jessica's MotherJessica Susser09/21/09 04:19View
Ziau Challenged me to. NSFWChasityDawes09/21/09 07:17View
The Divine Machine.................Theassassin09/21/09 22:29View
I Bleed my Blood for Myself.Ziau09/22/09 22:28View
Cronicle of a deathKayteear09/24/09 01:34View
"Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself"DavidJoshua Artful09/26/09 17:07View
Old Versus NewDigital Enigma09/27/09 20:28View
The Shadowed Order, The Eternal Order, Ordo MachinaTheassassin10/06/09 06:55View
Elamyrath's HistoryElamyrath10/10/09 00:52View
The here, the now, the dead. The Minus.TheMinus Ziskey10/10/09 12:41View
Before bed ritual.Amy Guisse10/17/09 04:13View
Alone?Ike10/18/09 15:34View
IS this High School again?Theassassin10/24/09 12:49View
Sidhe vs DrowOrlok Lectar10/29/09 04:08View
Daddy bluesarsene_Braveheart11/17/09 19:01View
Chronicles of SIEagentlyseria11/22/09 12:27View
The Lady In Black(A Drokan Exile Twisted Love Story)AntiZero11/29/09 06:36View
The growing Darkness.Leirain Koray12/01/09 11:04View
The lycanKayteear12/01/09 16:00View
City of Lost Jackman: The Untold Hollywood BlockbusterAntiZero12/02/09 07:11View
Coming home for christmas ..Kes12/10/09 22:17View
Bunneh Vs. Lich, DBZ styleKarsha Yutani12/14/09 11:59View
A FarewellRoland12/16/09 20:50View
Of Death and RebirthDigital Enigma12/21/09 20:14View
The Story of ReocoReoko Farspire02/06/10 20:47View
Homecoming......... The Story of Orpheus DarkfoldOrpheusDarkfold03/11/10 02:27View
The Story of Orpheus Part 2OrpheusDarkfold03/13/10 23:15View
Who owns who?Kayteear03/22/10 22:03View
Missing the Oceanricercar03/23/10 22:27View
Letter to the editor: Manners in LATink03/25/10 16:58View
Chasity BackstoryChasityDawes06/14/10 19:43View
Something Black and Violent...DavidJoshua Artful06/19/10 22:23View
Doctor Visiterinnic07/12/10 04:26View
Gabby Perdidevacantghost07/19/10 04:42View
ZiauThis actually is about more than myself, this has to do with a lot of people we see in our lives that are a lot like me. I am not the only person like myself, so this actually speaks for quite a few people, and per usual, this is the only proper forum to post things like this on. If you don't like my writing, make sure to comment, that way I know not to post it anymore. Remember, everyone in this poem is the same person, symbolically, though they all hate each other, the explanation alone should help you understand me just a bit better.

+I Bleed my Blood for Myself
+By Kelly Welch, a.K.a Ziau Jua.

+There once was a soldier who grew up with many uncles and aunts,
+From the day he was of age, he bled his blood only for France,
+Took him to war, away from his home, to a war in which they stood no chance.

+They would all tell him, "we fight for our country, we fight for our pride",
+His head only bowed, eyes tucked away on the bumpy, fateful ride,
+And as they came to base, and they started to file out, he sighed.

+The plane trip out was concise, and the soldiers were ready to kill,
+Loading their rifles, and their pistols, knives bared all for the thrill,
+Except for our hero, who's mood was not quite yet over the hill.

+Dropping with packs, chutes in the back, they mounted assault,
+Any idea of turning back now was put to an immediate halt,
+And before he jumped out, took a life, he felt that France was at fault,
+He wasn't bleeding for himself.

+Now we are in a day, when we all want to get paid,
+But this young man led a silent crusade,
+On the internet forums speaking out, day, by day, by day, by day.

+What was his purpose, to incite political reform,
+Wanting to see the American ideals simply reborn,
+But the people who mocked him left him broken and torn.

+So you know what he did, he loaded his truck,
+Took his shotgun, his ideas, prepared them, not giving a fuck,
+And as he approached his Town Hall, he was shit out of luck.

+On the steps were the police, hearing of his plan,
+They aimed their guns, ready to take the life of the man,
+And the idealist lost his inspiration, "If you want it, then you can",
+He wasn't about to bleed for himself.

+His mother was ill, there was nothing he could do,
+Hear heart was so warm, but her mood was so blue,
+And as her sickness crept, neither had a clue.

+The boy had given it up, come back to her home,
+Gave up his friends, gave it all, sacrifice for his own,
+It was the best thing he had given her, and "I love you,.." she'd moan.

+Alas, she was slipping away, losing what she had left for the fight,
+The doctor had told him that she might not make it through the night,
+But they both stayed hopeful, the thought of her getting better in sight.

+And so the son waited, wanting nothing more than it all to make sense,
+Nothing he could do in his poor mother's defense,
+The more he thought about it, the pain just got thicker, more dense,
+Because he could only bleed for himself.

+The soldier in France, his gun spilled scarlet fresh,
+Leaving holes in his enemies like the holes in polyester mesh,
+Just pulling the trigger in fear, surely cowardice, none the less.

+But as he took a shot to the collar, and sanguine ran it's course,
+The French soldier cried out with a voice shaky and hoarse,
+Falling do his knees, his body cold with remorse.
+"I didn't bleed my blood for myself."

+And as the man at the end of his life's twisted ride,
+Stepped out and put his shotgun on the ground with a sigh,
+The officers yelling "Step back or die".

+He held up his protest, speaking of the health care debate,
+Speaking of the politics, how unjust, his mood was irate,
+He spoke out these words, said them, his name, then the date,
+"I don't bleed my blood for myself."

+He heart was so weak, beating slower by the hour,
+His life was about to come toppling down like a tower,
+And his thoughts fell apart like the petals on a wilting flower.

+About to lose his mother, the doctor did ask,
+Hand on his shoulder as the woman was ready to pass,
+"I'm sorry, it is almost her time, but good things can't last."
+He replied, "I can only bleed my blood for myself."
09/22/09 22:28
Nightly ScreamsI really did enjoy that, Ziau. Great imagery as well!09/23/09 00:49
Ziau[quote=Nightly Screams]I really did enjoy that, Ziau. Great imagery as well![/quote]
Thanks ^.^
09/23/09 02:15
KayteearThis recalled me a lot of things. One of them was this quote from Tim O'Brien:
[size=10][i]A true war story is never moral. It does not
instruct, nor encourage virtue, nor suggest
models of proper human behavior, nor restrain
men from doing things men have always done.
If a war story seems moral, do not believe it. If
at the end of a war story you feel uplifted, or if
you feel that some small bit of rectitude has
been salvaged from the larger waste, then you
have been made the victim of a very old and
terrible lie.[/i][/size]

It's us who should thank you.
09/23/09 08:28
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