This page conserves the character fiction forum of the Agora forums. The posts have been left unformatted to make it easier for users to copy them here and paste them into the new forums.

Oren Itanooren12/10/08 18:25View
Missy12/10/08 22:22View
The backstory of Vulpes.Vulpes12/11/08 01:46View
Erica KesselErica Kessel12/11/08 07:52View
Missy's Story.. a Do-over and another ChapterMissy12/11/08 22:38View
UsrBinPerl12/11/08 23:48View
oren12/11/08 23:57View
Kwekwe's BackstoryKwekwe Karu12/12/08 01:02View
UsrBinPerl12/13/08 00:35View
Eternal SunsetMissy12/13/08 12:19View
Kit Ristow12/14/08 00:01View
ShyMathys12/14/08 00:27View
MasksAlissa12/14/08 00:58View
Lorae12/14/08 01:24View
UsrBinPerl12/14/08 22:07View
Missy's Story Continued..Part 3Missy12/16/08 08:43View
Missy's Story Part 4: Innocence ShatteredMissy12/16/08 18:34View
Missy's Story Part 5: Innocence AnnihilatedMissy12/18/08 17:16View
Small DangersVox12/18/08 21:36View
Saint of The Abyss: Part 1Luciferiel12/19/08 05:21View
Zero....-1Justa Zero12/19/08 17:38View
Zero....1Justa Zero12/19/08 18:26View
Óðr’s Daughter. Chapter I: A Guiding DreamAsil Karu12/20/08 02:39View
Omega To Alphaerinnic12/23/08 16:49View
Her Bloody Tears [-Past Event-]Methias12/23/08 18:09View
Lost Kitsune - A Shattered MindKiera12/25/08 18:51View
Usr's story Part IVUsrBinPerl12/27/08 20:34View
The EssexHeir Maelstrom12/29/08 04:23View
Kwekwe's shameKwekwe Karu12/30/08 18:11View
Joint Round Robin Fic Anyone...?erinnic12/30/08 19:07View
God Was On Her Lips As She Diederinnic01/02/09 23:31View
Love and Betrayal - A New Beginningkessjuliesse01/03/09 13:46View
The Diary of Cody Woodhencodywoodhen01/05/09 21:35View
Missy's Story Part 6: Innocence AbductedMissy01/07/09 06:23View
Cursed BladeYannis_Martynov01/08/09 21:27View
Story Thread: Community Round Robin Ficerinnic01/09/09 23:25View
The demon withinCanly Fargis01/11/09 16:14View
Ziau- CoLA's Very Own CasanovaZiau01/13/09 02:09View
Twisted Attentionserinnic01/21/09 20:34View
Inspiration- music and roleplayZiau01/26/09 08:01View
Compilation! Where were you when it all happened?Ziau01/28/09 09:12View
The Clock Struck MidnightMalice Ashdene01/28/09 22:31View
With Precision- a poem by Kelly Welch A.k.A Ziau Jua.Ziau01/29/09 04:36View
Alisa's dicovery of a new world (character sheet + story)Alisa Draconia01/30/09 19:17View
The Shadow Stepper- Ziau the Enshadowed.Ziau02/01/09 07:26View
Krista Lemon arrives to the streets of Lost AngelsKrista02/03/09 00:09View
Back Story Upto the Excile of Rune.RuneCrimson02/03/09 21:59View
War with the Brood, war with the Coven, and the Pack.Ziau02/07/09 04:11View
-- Halcyon's Backstory --Halcyon Nacht02/08/09 00:22View
Planer/Exonar family (aka, Erinyse, Khalan, Viridian, Cummere, Selena)Cummere Mayo02/08/09 03:53View
Kit's BackstoryKit Ristow02/10/09 18:40View
Eyes in the DarkKeyla02/11/09 09:47View
Surfacing Part ILlyr02/13/09 22:21View
Surfacing Part IILlyr02/13/09 22:35View
Tama-Chan: A Cat's Story (Tamara's background)Tamara02/17/09 07:35View
Project: A map of Post Apocalypse North AmericaTamara02/17/09 19:21View
Dreamtime RevelationsWinter02/19/09 18:08View
Reaver-the echo of the BlackwindAntiZero02/23/09 00:43View
On the Origin of SpeciesTamara02/25/09 22:38View
ConfessionKit Ristow02/26/09 01:39View
Personnel File: Pointe, Zsuzsanna C. (Inactive, Deceased)Su Pointe02/26/09 03:32View
Malice, in a Different Kind of WonderlandMalice Ashdene02/27/09 18:07View
The Dark of InspirationKit Ristow03/01/09 21:42View
Jheric: CrucifiedKayle Ashdene03/03/09 10:53View
It's my lifearsene_Braveheart03/05/09 18:18View
The Tradgedy of the HybridDigital Enigma03/29/09 07:09View
The Sin of Wrathmolly switchblade04/02/09 21:28View
Golden BoyEphran Ehrler04/15/09 06:12View
Story About A GirlAesendria04/24/09 15:34View
Climaxe by Smith and WessonSloan04/28/09 06:19View
My new project ATTENTION Russian Characters!Ziau05/01/09 06:42View
**NSFW** A Typical Tuesday Night for MissyMissy05/06/09 20:48View
Post your profile links!Cortero Landar05/07/09 10:25View
Making Logan SufferAesendria05/12/09 07:09View
Jeanne VarunJeanne Varun05/14/09 08:24View
The Vanguard's True PurposeLogan05/16/09 01:03View
Cortero's Infernal ArmorCortero Landar05/16/09 06:52View
Bookstore SurpriseAesendria05/16/09 23:16View
Post your profile links if you have in-story info in them!Cortero Landar05/18/09 10:33View
PromisesAesendria05/24/09 02:44View
Cyber Evolution Bios, Anur Seda, Cyber Reaper, and Commander of CETheassassin06/08/09 11:28View
Was any of it real?Youko_Giha06/12/09 15:28View
A shift in prioritiesLogan06/17/09 04:21View
Going homeLudvig06/17/09 19:10View
'Ren in Japanoren06/18/09 23:11View
Thelma across the boardThelemaJuliesse06/26/09 15:09View
Pre-fiction: How Kayteear got here.Kayteear07/15/09 16:43View
Story TimeCharissa07/17/09 19:03View
Pack Airship RP.Tai07/27/09 02:49View
My CharacterLilith1308/05/09 22:34View
LilithLilith1308/06/09 09:30View
The Haunter in the DarkShadow08/14/09 21:50View
The Flying HeadsKwekwe Karu08/16/09 16:52View
Why selling coffins is impossible in CoLAZiau08/23/09 04:14View
Paint it red!Ziau08/23/09 07:51View
Young Cowards.Ziau08/23/09 08:28View
Great video for RPers and people passionate about writing.Ziau09/05/09 08:55View
Dux - 264 BCDux09/10/09 18:41View
The Thing at South Gate SanitariumShadow09/15/09 22:09View
♪♫ Do you wanna RP my avatar ♪♫Kayteear09/17/09 14:45View
Jessica's MotherJessica Susser09/21/09 04:19View
Ziau Challenged me to. NSFWChasityDawes09/21/09 07:17View
The Divine Machine.................Theassassin09/21/09 22:29View
I Bleed my Blood for Myself.Ziau09/22/09 22:28View
Cronicle of a deathKayteear09/24/09 01:34View
"Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself"DavidJoshua Artful09/26/09 17:07View
Old Versus NewDigital Enigma09/27/09 20:28View
The Shadowed Order, The Eternal Order, Ordo MachinaTheassassin10/06/09 06:55View
Elamyrath's HistoryElamyrath10/10/09 00:52View
The here, the now, the dead. The Minus.TheMinus Ziskey10/10/09 12:41View
Before bed ritual.Amy Guisse10/17/09 04:13View
Alone?Ike10/18/09 15:34View
IS this High School again?Theassassin10/24/09 12:49View
Sidhe vs DrowOrlok Lectar10/29/09 04:08View
Daddy bluesarsene_Braveheart11/17/09 19:01View
Chronicles of SIEagentlyseria11/22/09 12:27View
The Lady In Black(A Drokan Exile Twisted Love Story)AntiZero11/29/09 06:36View
The growing Darkness.Leirain Koray12/01/09 11:04View
The lycanKayteear12/01/09 16:00View
City of Lost Jackman: The Untold Hollywood BlockbusterAntiZero12/02/09 07:11View
Coming home for christmas ..Kes12/10/09 22:17View
Bunneh Vs. Lich, DBZ styleKarsha Yutani12/14/09 11:59View
A FarewellRoland12/16/09 20:50View
Of Death and RebirthDigital Enigma12/21/09 20:14View
The Story of ReocoReoko Farspire02/06/10 20:47View
Homecoming......... The Story of Orpheus DarkfoldOrpheusDarkfold03/11/10 02:27View
The Story of Orpheus Part 2OrpheusDarkfold03/13/10 23:15View
Who owns who?Kayteear03/22/10 22:03View
Missing the Oceanricercar03/23/10 22:27View
Letter to the editor: Manners in LATink03/25/10 16:58View
Chasity BackstoryChasityDawes06/14/10 19:43View
Something Black and Violent...DavidJoshua Artful06/19/10 22:23View
Doctor Visiterinnic07/12/10 04:26View
Gabby Perdidevacantghost07/19/10 04:42View
MissyHere is the third installment of Missy's story. Only here because of demands made by *ahem* certain parties. :P
I hope you enjoy it. More coming very very soon. I seem to have developed some momentum here and I'm sorta just hanging on and dragging you all with me for the ride, hehehe. Enjoy!

[b]Part Three: Innocence Offered[/b]

Several days later....

Missy plods behind Kaden slowly, her feet throbbing, her hair a wild tangle of knots trailing down her back. Her clothes are tattered and worn, the jeans already ripped in several places, bare pale skin peeking through in several spots... along her knees, the thighs, as well as just under the round curves of her backside. Her once white sweater is a grey rag, covered in streaks of black dirt and splotched here and there by dried droplets of blood. She stops for a moment, resting a hand on her upper thigh, her knee bent as she examines the steep incline of the rocky face of the mountain before. She arches up her neck and shades her eyes, trying to see the top of the rise. She cannot. She takes in one breath after another, the weak sun barely filtering through the thickness of the trees surrounding her.

“Come on!” an unseen voice cries out from the top of the ridge. “The sun is about to set. We still have to set up camp yet.” The voice is grumpy and laced with the beginning edges of an impatient growl. Missy sighs again and looks at the nearly insurmountable rock face. “Exactly how do you expect me to get up there?” she shouts to Kaden. “Not all of us are mountain goats” she mutters softly under her breath “even though some of us are starting to smell like one.” And her nose wrinkles at the ripeness of her own scent coming off of her filthy body and clothes. Missy bends down to tie up her shoe, the laces on one of them hanging loose. Kaden jumps down beside her, retracing his steps in no more than 3 or 4 bounds from the summit of the ridge. He lands nearly noiselessly. “Mountain goat, huh?” Missy screams from the shock of seeing him, straightening too quickly and overbalancing backwards, wheeling her arms comically as she stumbles.

A quick hand lashes out and grabs her by the front of her sweater and Kaden can’t help but chuckle at her reaction. “Calm down. It’s just me” he says and reels her in by her top until she has both feet firmly planted once more. “It’s not that hard really” he reassures her. “There is a mountain goat path actually that leads up the face. Just put your feet in the holds and don’t fall backwards.”

Missy looks at him and then at the incline and then back at him. “I.. I.. uhh... sorta have a bit of a problem ... ummm... with heights” she mumbles, her face flushing as red as her hair as she admits this. Kaden just turns his impassive gaze on her. “You’d rather meet vampires then?” he asks coolly, reminding Missy once more exactly why they are moving as quickly as they can and as far as they can, reminding her of the relentless danger that pursues them through this rough and rugged landscape. Missy sighs deeply and twisting her hands once or twice while looking up at the rocky face, she shakes her head and murmurs “Of course not.”

“Then come on” and without another word, Kaden turns his back on her, heading to the barely visible trail that winds itself upward. “Watch out for the scree here” he points out the small stones that are piled in a loose formation of rubble at the base of the face. Missy nods her head jerkily and she blots her sweat-dampened palms on the front of her thighs, her heart starting to race as her fear starts to swell.

Kaden watches her and rolling his eyes, he grabs her hand and sticks it into the back of the waistband of his pants. “Just watch my feet” he mutters “and put your feet where I’ve put mine. We’ll be at the top in no time.” And he starts up. Missy follows, her legs shaking and trembling the whole way, but she determinedly keeps her eyes on his feet and concentrates on following his directions, placing her feet exactly on the spots he does. She gasps as a loose stone shifts under her left foot, but Kaden’s steady progress yanks her forward and before her heart even has a chance to register it, the potential for danger has already passed. Step by slow step they travel up the steep slope. Missy’s fingers are white with the strain of hanging onto Kaden’s waistband with all of her might. Eventually she finds her steps are levelling and she chances a glance up from her resolute stare at the ground. Another gasp escapes her, but this time it is not a gasp of alarm, but rather an inhalation of wonder as she takes in the sight of the beautiful valley before her.

Thickly forested slopes surround a crystalline blue mountain lake. The top edges of the slopes give way to bare nude jagged rocks, resembling the toothy maw of some ferocious beast. All the breath Missy tries to catch as she stands there is robbed from her as she looks over the stunning scenery, the hills dotted with a mixture of coniferous emerald evergreens and the multi-hued colours of deciduous trees in full autumn bloom. A chill wind which heralds the inevitable coming of bitter winter whips over the top of the ridge, lifting and ruffling through Missy’s hair. She shudders at the bite of it, feeling it penetrate the thickness of her sweater as though it was nothing more substantial than the thinnest silk. She looks over at Kaden and as the wind ruffles through his dark locks, she’s struck by his raw animal power and magnetism. She also notes he shivers not at all, despite being nude from the waist up. “How can you NOT be cold?” she asks jealously as she shivers in the breeze. He turns his purplish eyes on her and gives her a shrug “Part of my condition” he sneers slightly, offering no more explanation than that.

Missy sighs and resumes looking out over the panoramic view, for once distracted from her fear of heights by the beauty spread below. Suddenly she drops her arms from cradling her middle to point toward the west, seeing the faint outline of a straight edge... a shape that is foreign in this landscape and has no business being there. “Hey!” she shouts “Look! Just over there... do you see what I see?” she asks Kaden excitedly. He looks where her trembling finger points and his eyes narrow as he spots the edge for himself. “Stay here” he says tersely and without another word, he bounds down the inside slope, his back and legs rippling with powerful muscles, a study in economy of motion and seamless grace. Missy’s breath is caught in her throat and she finds it hard to breathe until he disappears into the line of trees. “Just the cold Missy” she tells herself unconvincingly, trying to blame her sudden breathlessness on the wind, rather than the vision of Kaden’s retreating athletic form. She sits on the ridge, huddling into a small ball, trying to stay as warm as she can by sheltering behind a boulder.

Using his powerful sense of smell, Kaden lifts his nose into the wind, using the current to try to determine if there is anyone besides him and Missy in this valley. Missy’s scent carries to him clearly even across the large distance he’s put between them now and he gives a low growl of annoyance at how welcome and comforting he’s starting to find that particular scent. Gruffly he shoves these distracting thoughts out of his mind and once more focuses his attention on the task at hand.

The rich ripe smell of earth and the lacy aroma of growing things slowly winding down their internal clocks in preparation for a long winter’s nap filters through his nostrils and the synapses in his brain quickly and easily categorize and file these olfactory data away. He gives a satisfied snort and keeps moving forward, fixing his eye on the straight line that as he gets closer and closer to it becomes wedded to another and then another until he realizes that what Missy has spotted is the roofline of a man made structure. The hackles on the back of his neck rise and a low growl rumbles out of his chest... He abruptly cuts it off and circles closer to it, caution colouring each step he takes.

The pads of his feet are soft on the forest floor and he makes scarcely a sound as he approaches the building, all senses heightened and straining to detect the threat or even presence of another living being. Step by step he gets closer until he is at the edge of the building and he presses his back to it, the cold stone wall barely registering on his skin as he attends to the input from his other senses. The forest is still and quiet. Nothing moves or even seems to breathe for countless seconds. Kaden edges to the one corner and he darts his head around quickly, taking a quick scan of the side of the structure as well as the surrounding area. Nothing. He spots a door that lies about halfway down the side of the building and he creeps closer to it inch by inch. He reaches out a hand and tries the knob, fully expecting it to be locked. His shock when it turns easily under his hand is almost comical. He jerks his hand away in surprise, almost as though it was red hot and had burned him. He gives a sheepish shake of his head and is very grateful Missy was not there to witness it. He lets the door swing open slightly and he takes a deep lungful of air, using his superior sense of smell once again to detect the presence of any threat inside.

Satisfied at last that there is nothing human or vampiric at least in the immediate vicinity, he pads across the threshold silently, his form blocking out the light from the doorway as his body fills it momentarily. Kaden’s eyes quickly adjust to the gloom of the room, thin shafts of light penetrating through boarded up windows on the far side of the room. He glances around and realizes this is a rudimentary hunting cabin of some sort. The furniture consists of a beat up old couch with moth eaten cushions, a rickety wood table with a single even more dilapidated looking chair. A large metal tub sits in one corner of the room and a rough bed made of rushes and covered by hide blankets is shoved in the other, but most importantly there is a fireplace in the center of the far wall, one large enough to easily cook food over. He gives a grunt of satisfaction and turns to leave to fetch Missy.

“Hey... this is pretty cool huh?” Missy chirps as she waltzes in through the door, her face lighting up as she spots the fireplace, tub and bed. She gives a small moan as she anticipates taking a long soak in the tub once she’s heated enough water from the lake to fill it. She stops short as she looks at Kaden’s thunderous expression. “Wh...what is it?” she squeaks nervously, taking an involuntary step back. He advances on her, his lips snarling as he grabs her roughly by her upper arm and yanks her close to him, so that she bumps up against his chest, her hair flying forward and lashing them both. “What did I tell you to do?” he grinds out between clenched teeth, fury darkening his violet irises until they look black and fathomlessly deep. Missy gasps and her heart leaps into her throat, her own eyes widening until a ridge of white can be seen all the way around. “Whh...I...I.. just followed.. followed you down” she flushes. And then she gets angry, her fear transformed into typical teenage defiance in the face of confrontation. “I thought you’d be pleased! Save you a trip” and she tries fruitlessly to jerk her arm out of his grip.

Kaden’s fingers merely tighten until Missy gasps again, her eyes welling with moisture as his fingers bite into her cruelly, bruising her peachy skin. He snarls at her again and gives her a shake “You listen to me little miss” he growls “You do what the fuck you are told or you can bloody well fend for yourself.” And with that, he thrusts her away from him roughly, spinning on a foot and stomping out the door in the search of dinner.

Missy watches him go, rubbing the spot on her arm where his fingers had dug in, wincing more at the realization that he probably has a point than at the pain of the marks left there. She sighs and runs a hand through her dishevelled hair. She feels along the top of her head and pulls out a twig and throws it on the floor. “OK... that’s IT!” she shouts to no one in particular. “Time for a goddamned bath!” and she quickly goes about setting up a fire in the fireplace, digging out the lighter from her pocket and setting the kindling aflame. Once she has a decent sized fire going, she takes a moment to examine the lodging more carefully. She opens up a cupboard at the back of the room, behind the table and is gratified to find a couple of metal buckets that look like they will hold water. She grins and heads out of the cabin, making a beeline for the edge of the lake. She scoops up two full buckets and brings them back to the fire. She hooks them on the hook hanging from the metal tripod that stands over the hearth, designed to hold bubbling pots of food, or in this case, steaming water. Missy rubs her hands in anticipation and moves around the room, tidying things as best she can while she waits for the water to heat.

Missy waits long enough for two buckets of water to roil and bubble in the buckets and using cool water from the lake to moderate the temperature; she fills the galvanized tub about half way. She quickly shucks off her clothes, wishing desperately that she had at least one change of clothes. She spots the fur blankets over on the bed and she crosses over to them, lifting up the top most one. She wraps it around herself and looks at it critically. “Hmmm... maybe I can wash my clothes out and then just wear this tonight.” Satisfied with this plan, Missy walks over to the edge of the tub and lets the blanket drop beside it. She lifts one foot and steps into the tub, sighing in pleasure at the first touch of the warm water. She slides bonelessly into the bottom of the tub and she leans back as far as she can, feeling the water lap up and over her body. There isn’t enough water in the tub to cover her body and her breasts and belly float on the surface. She scoots down further, ducking so that her head rests on the bottom of the tub, her knees bent at the far end, her toes jammed against the cool metal. She scoops handfuls of water over her hair, wetting it thoroughly and using her fingers to comb it out. She sighs in pleasure thinking that the only thing that would make this even more pleasurable being the availability of soap. She shrugs softly. This is still much better than the nothing she’s had for the last 5 days or so.

Kaden stands arrested outside the door, the flickering light of the fire silhouetting the bathing scene on the side of the wall. He shuts his eyes, but it does no good... the vision of Missy’s naked form is burned on the back of his eyelids, her scent drifts to him on the warm current of air that seeps out of the cabin. He sighs deeply and turns from the entrance to the cabin, fighting the urge to rush in and take what he so desperately wants. He walks a distance into the woods and using his fangs and fingers, he roughly guts and cleans rabbit and the pheasant he managed to catch and kill. He concentrates on plucking the feathers of the pheasant, ripping handfuls out and letting them flutter in the air around him, his mood dark and as black as the winter clouds that gather on the northern horizon.

Missy hums softly as she bathes, utterly unaware of either Kaden’s presence nearby, nor of the blackness of his mood. Not that she’d be particularly surprised he was in a black mood anyway. He always seemed to be teetering on the edge of one explosion or another really. She giggles a bit as she recollects the look on his face when she walked in the door. She’s quite pleased she managed to make it down the ridge on her own actually and it would take quite a bit to dispel the good mood she’s in, that mood enhanced infinitely by feeling fresh and clean. She sits up in the tub, her hair a wet blanket over her back, reaching past her hips, the ends of the red strands floating on the surface of the water. She uses her hands to wash over her skin, rubbing her arms with each hand, skating soft palms over her collarbone and neck before trailing her fingers over her breasts and down her slightly concave stomach, a stomach whose concavity has become more pronounced these past few days due to the rigorous exercise of persistent flight coupled with the scarcity of food. She slides her hands down her long legs, moving them around silken thighs and calves, all the way down to her feet. She bends first one foot up to her lap, using her strong fingers to massage rub her aching arches, soft moans falling from her lips at the tingles that race up her legs. She massages the foot until it feels mercifully numb before switching to the other one, repeating the motions on it as well.

She drops the foot back into the tub and she yawns deeply at the same time that her stomach rumbles loudly. She frowns and looks toward the partially open door, wondering where Kaden is. She rises up out of the tub and squeegees the excess water off her body with her hands before stepping out all the way and wrapping the fur blanket around her, tucking the end under the top of the blanket just above her breasts. She kneels beside the tub, and she scoops up her clothes and dumps them into the tub, soaking them thoroughly in the now tepid water. She decides to let them soak before she tackles trying to scrub out the worst of the stains. She sits close to the fire and she purrs as warmth floods her skin, her hair starting to dry. She tilts her head to one side and her hair falls over one shoulder. She softly drags her fingers through it, combing it out with her long fingers, staring at the leaping flames of the fire.
Kaden enters the room, deliberately starting to make noise to announce his presence when he spots Missy sitting in front of the fire. Backlit by the orange red of the flames, she looks as though she is made of fire herself, her soft curling tresses seeming to be an extension of the fire in the grate, though somehow more beautiful and more arresting than ordinary flames. And infinitely more dangerous...

“Oh so much more dangerous” he murmurs and he drops his kill onto the floor, crossing the room in two long strides, he bends slightly and hauls Missy to her feet, grasping her shoulders in his hands and turning her wide-eyed face toward him, his mouth descending onto hers roughly, hungrily, his lips crushing hers beneath his with a heat and desperation that speaks of desire and long denial. He growls as her taste floods into his mouth, making him ache for more of her, making him rougher than he might ordinarily have been. Missy gasps against his mouth, shock flooding through her as his lips grind across hers, her mouth swelling immediately, her lips parting involuntarily as she opens them to drag a ragged breath into her lungs, a breath she never gets. She moans and her mouth melts under the insistent pressure of his. Her hands come up to tangle themselves in his hair, tugging him closer, instinctively slanting her mouth under his, her blood racing in her veins, drugged by his passion, by his taste.

Kaden bends slightly and still attached to Missy’s mouth, he scoops her up in his arms, one arm coming underneath her knees as he tugs her to his chest, the other arm curved around her back, he cradles her in his arms. He takes a short walk to the bed in the corner and he places her on it, his own body falling beside her a split second later. Missy’s head whirls as she’s lifted and literally swept off her feet. She makes small noises of pleasure against his kissing mouth, his velvety tongue lapping at the interior of her mouth, the sensations foreign, yet seeming natural and completely right. Unconsciously, she presses her aching body closer to his, sweet needs throbbing through her, needs she cannot name and yet which call to her insistently, demandingly.

Using every ounce of willpower in his body, his muscles tense and straining, Kaden pulls back from his sweet plunder of Missy’s mouth, his eyes black with deep desire and longing. He breathes raggedly through his nostrils, soft breaths rushing over Missy’s face. “Missy” he murmurs softly “I..I don’t want to hurt you.” And he shuts his eyes against the vision of innocence lying pressed close to his side. “If you tell me to go...I’ll go, but if I stay here even one more moment longer... I won’t be able to stop.” He warns her quietly, his eyes once more opening to meet her forest green depths. Missy trembles beside him, not from fear, not from anger or alarm, but from the strength and power of her desire. She brings a trembling hand up to stroke his face softly, cupping his cheek in her palm, her thumb stroking across his lower lip. Without saying a word, Missy reaches up for him with her mouth, her lips, teeth and tongue working on him, travelling along the lower curve of his lip, suckling it gently in her mouth, soft mewling sounds escaping her. With a deep groan Kaden feels the last of his restraint burn away as a flash fire of desire rips through him. He plunders Missy’s mouth again and the two of them are borne away on a sea of passion and ultimate fulfilment for them both.

(To be continued...)

12/16/08 08:43
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