This page conserves the character fiction forum of the Agora forums. The posts have been left unformatted to make it easier for users to copy them here and paste them into the new forums.

Oren Itanooren12/10/08 18:25View
Missy12/10/08 22:22View
The backstory of Vulpes.Vulpes12/11/08 01:46View
Erica KesselErica Kessel12/11/08 07:52View
Missy's Story.. a Do-over and another ChapterMissy12/11/08 22:38View
UsrBinPerl12/11/08 23:48View
oren12/11/08 23:57View
Kwekwe's BackstoryKwekwe Karu12/12/08 01:02View
UsrBinPerl12/13/08 00:35View
Eternal SunsetMissy12/13/08 12:19View
Kit Ristow12/14/08 00:01View
ShyMathys12/14/08 00:27View
MasksAlissa12/14/08 00:58View
Lorae12/14/08 01:24View
UsrBinPerl12/14/08 22:07View
Missy's Story Continued..Part 3Missy12/16/08 08:43View
Missy's Story Part 4: Innocence ShatteredMissy12/16/08 18:34View
Missy's Story Part 5: Innocence AnnihilatedMissy12/18/08 17:16View
Small DangersVox12/18/08 21:36View
Saint of The Abyss: Part 1Luciferiel12/19/08 05:21View
Zero....-1Justa Zero12/19/08 17:38View
Zero....1Justa Zero12/19/08 18:26View
Óðr’s Daughter. Chapter I: A Guiding DreamAsil Karu12/20/08 02:39View
Omega To Alphaerinnic12/23/08 16:49View
Her Bloody Tears [-Past Event-]Methias12/23/08 18:09View
Lost Kitsune - A Shattered MindKiera12/25/08 18:51View
Usr's story Part IVUsrBinPerl12/27/08 20:34View
The EssexHeir Maelstrom12/29/08 04:23View
Kwekwe's shameKwekwe Karu12/30/08 18:11View
Joint Round Robin Fic Anyone...?erinnic12/30/08 19:07View
God Was On Her Lips As She Diederinnic01/02/09 23:31View
Love and Betrayal - A New Beginningkessjuliesse01/03/09 13:46View
The Diary of Cody Woodhencodywoodhen01/05/09 21:35View
Missy's Story Part 6: Innocence AbductedMissy01/07/09 06:23View
Cursed BladeYannis_Martynov01/08/09 21:27View
Story Thread: Community Round Robin Ficerinnic01/09/09 23:25View
The demon withinCanly Fargis01/11/09 16:14View
Ziau- CoLA's Very Own CasanovaZiau01/13/09 02:09View
Twisted Attentionserinnic01/21/09 20:34View
Inspiration- music and roleplayZiau01/26/09 08:01View
Compilation! Where were you when it all happened?Ziau01/28/09 09:12View
The Clock Struck MidnightMalice Ashdene01/28/09 22:31View
With Precision- a poem by Kelly Welch A.k.A Ziau Jua.Ziau01/29/09 04:36View
Alisa's dicovery of a new world (character sheet + story)Alisa Draconia01/30/09 19:17View
The Shadow Stepper- Ziau the Enshadowed.Ziau02/01/09 07:26View
Krista Lemon arrives to the streets of Lost AngelsKrista02/03/09 00:09View
Back Story Upto the Excile of Rune.RuneCrimson02/03/09 21:59View
War with the Brood, war with the Coven, and the Pack.Ziau02/07/09 04:11View
-- Halcyon's Backstory --Halcyon Nacht02/08/09 00:22View
Planer/Exonar family (aka, Erinyse, Khalan, Viridian, Cummere, Selena)Cummere Mayo02/08/09 03:53View
Kit's BackstoryKit Ristow02/10/09 18:40View
Eyes in the DarkKeyla02/11/09 09:47View
Surfacing Part ILlyr02/13/09 22:21View
Surfacing Part IILlyr02/13/09 22:35View
Tama-Chan: A Cat's Story (Tamara's background)Tamara02/17/09 07:35View
Project: A map of Post Apocalypse North AmericaTamara02/17/09 19:21View
Dreamtime RevelationsWinter02/19/09 18:08View
Reaver-the echo of the BlackwindAntiZero02/23/09 00:43View
On the Origin of SpeciesTamara02/25/09 22:38View
ConfessionKit Ristow02/26/09 01:39View
Personnel File: Pointe, Zsuzsanna C. (Inactive, Deceased)Su Pointe02/26/09 03:32View
Malice, in a Different Kind of WonderlandMalice Ashdene02/27/09 18:07View
The Dark of InspirationKit Ristow03/01/09 21:42View
Jheric: CrucifiedKayle Ashdene03/03/09 10:53View
It's my lifearsene_Braveheart03/05/09 18:18View
The Tradgedy of the HybridDigital Enigma03/29/09 07:09View
The Sin of Wrathmolly switchblade04/02/09 21:28View
Golden BoyEphran Ehrler04/15/09 06:12View
Story About A GirlAesendria04/24/09 15:34View
Climaxe by Smith and WessonSloan04/28/09 06:19View
My new project ATTENTION Russian Characters!Ziau05/01/09 06:42View
**NSFW** A Typical Tuesday Night for MissyMissy05/06/09 20:48View
Post your profile links!Cortero Landar05/07/09 10:25View
Making Logan SufferAesendria05/12/09 07:09View
Jeanne VarunJeanne Varun05/14/09 08:24View
The Vanguard's True PurposeLogan05/16/09 01:03View
Cortero's Infernal ArmorCortero Landar05/16/09 06:52View
Bookstore SurpriseAesendria05/16/09 23:16View
Post your profile links if you have in-story info in them!Cortero Landar05/18/09 10:33View
PromisesAesendria05/24/09 02:44View
Cyber Evolution Bios, Anur Seda, Cyber Reaper, and Commander of CETheassassin06/08/09 11:28View
Was any of it real?Youko_Giha06/12/09 15:28View
A shift in prioritiesLogan06/17/09 04:21View
Going homeLudvig06/17/09 19:10View
'Ren in Japanoren06/18/09 23:11View
Thelma across the boardThelemaJuliesse06/26/09 15:09View
Pre-fiction: How Kayteear got here.Kayteear07/15/09 16:43View
Story TimeCharissa07/17/09 19:03View
Pack Airship RP.Tai07/27/09 02:49View
My CharacterLilith1308/05/09 22:34View
LilithLilith1308/06/09 09:30View
The Haunter in the DarkShadow08/14/09 21:50View
The Flying HeadsKwekwe Karu08/16/09 16:52View
Why selling coffins is impossible in CoLAZiau08/23/09 04:14View
Paint it red!Ziau08/23/09 07:51View
Young Cowards.Ziau08/23/09 08:28View
Great video for RPers and people passionate about writing.Ziau09/05/09 08:55View
Dux - 264 BCDux09/10/09 18:41View
The Thing at South Gate SanitariumShadow09/15/09 22:09View
♪♫ Do you wanna RP my avatar ♪♫Kayteear09/17/09 14:45View
Jessica's MotherJessica Susser09/21/09 04:19View
Ziau Challenged me to. NSFWChasityDawes09/21/09 07:17View
The Divine Machine.................Theassassin09/21/09 22:29View
I Bleed my Blood for Myself.Ziau09/22/09 22:28View
Cronicle of a deathKayteear09/24/09 01:34View
"Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself"DavidJoshua Artful09/26/09 17:07View
Old Versus NewDigital Enigma09/27/09 20:28View
The Shadowed Order, The Eternal Order, Ordo MachinaTheassassin10/06/09 06:55View
Elamyrath's HistoryElamyrath10/10/09 00:52View
The here, the now, the dead. The Minus.TheMinus Ziskey10/10/09 12:41View
Before bed ritual.Amy Guisse10/17/09 04:13View
Alone?Ike10/18/09 15:34View
IS this High School again?Theassassin10/24/09 12:49View
Sidhe vs DrowOrlok Lectar10/29/09 04:08View
Daddy bluesarsene_Braveheart11/17/09 19:01View
Chronicles of SIEagentlyseria11/22/09 12:27View
The Lady In Black(A Drokan Exile Twisted Love Story)AntiZero11/29/09 06:36View
The growing Darkness.Leirain Koray12/01/09 11:04View
The lycanKayteear12/01/09 16:00View
City of Lost Jackman: The Untold Hollywood BlockbusterAntiZero12/02/09 07:11View
Coming home for christmas ..Kes12/10/09 22:17View
Bunneh Vs. Lich, DBZ styleKarsha Yutani12/14/09 11:59View
A FarewellRoland12/16/09 20:50View
Of Death and RebirthDigital Enigma12/21/09 20:14View
The Story of ReocoReoko Farspire02/06/10 20:47View
Homecoming......... The Story of Orpheus DarkfoldOrpheusDarkfold03/11/10 02:27View
The Story of Orpheus Part 2OrpheusDarkfold03/13/10 23:15View
Who owns who?Kayteear03/22/10 22:03View
Missing the Oceanricercar03/23/10 22:27View
Letter to the editor: Manners in LATink03/25/10 16:58View
Chasity BackstoryChasityDawes06/14/10 19:43View
Something Black and Violent...DavidJoshua Artful06/19/10 22:23View
Doctor Visiterinnic07/12/10 04:26View
Gabby Perdidevacantghost07/19/10 04:42View
UsrBinPerlHopefully the font shows up. If for some reason you see odd characters, that is Russian (and it doesn't really matter what it says, you can get the gist of it)


Part I
DS&T 124-67
10 October 1979


Submitted by the Directorate of Science and Technology

The following intelligence organizations participated in the preparation of this estimate
The Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence organizations of the Departments of State, the Army, the Air Force and The Joint Staff.

Concurred by the Strategic Assessments Group of the National Acadamies of Science




A copy of this publication is for the information and use of the recipient designated on the front cover. Further dissemination elsewhere in the department to other offices is strictly prohibited.

This copy may not be retained and must be destroyed after reading by burning in accordance wiih applicable security regulations, or returned to the Central Intelligence Agency by the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA.


National Security Council.
National Security Resource Board,
Department Heads of Intelligence Organizations of the Departments of State, the Army, the Air Force and The Joint Staff.


This document is to inform necessary parties of CIA findings of prior special investigative projects sponsored by the DS&T and the future of those projects. All findings are, of course, preliminary.

In the NIE of 5 July 1977, the DS&T, at the request of the NSC, described their initial work at (REDACTED) on early training programs of Special Operatives. In the DS&T briefing to (REDACTED) and (REDACTED) titled (REDACTED) , we described the rigorous training program of a control group of 15 orphans. The results of the training were varied. One common theme we noticed during the program was the elevated performance of Subjects N-2 and N-13. The only common factor discovered was both were children of service members. N-2 had particularly elevated progress and it was discovered that the subject is the son of one of our own a Lt. Col. (REDACTED) who is listed as MIA. All subjects, including N-2 were terminated at the end or prior to the end of the projects termination.

We at the Directorate of Science and Technology, believe that N-2's extraordinary performance may be replicated through PROJECT HOMESCHOOL using subjects from similar

Pg 1 of 22


Usr folds the yellowed page neatly along it's ancient crease and places it back in the book on her shelf. She sighs and turns to look out the window. She grabs her old, worn lucky ammo magazine. Its finish is worn; the metal surface of the body is bright from years of her twitchy nervous fiddling with it. She presses the rusty magazine follower down with her finger and releases. The squeeeek is a quiet reminder, a long held bit of her past. She closes her eyes, lost in thought. As her eyes fall shut, a tear rolls down her cheek.

Part II
Norbert Laurence strolled into the Western European Operations Center at Langley, his liver spotted hand clutching the ever present cup of coffee, black, with a pinch of salt, a throwback to his years in the Navy. He had joined 'the Agency' during the war, working with the Bletchley Park people on the Japanese ciphers. From there he had moved through all the technical departments in the Agency and had stayed throughout all the changes; OSS. X-2 under State, then CIG... and then finally CIA.

And now, he was dumped here, an ignominious end to a long career. He had wanted the directorship of DS&T, but had been passed over for younger men. Having but a few years left until retirement, he had been shuffled to WEOC, as nothing more than a glorified babysitter for soft, baby faced analysts. He made it his daily task to ream at least one of them out for some transgression, no matter how slight.

He scanned the room looking for his daily victim, just as Gregory Tylor looked up from his station. Tylor, all of 26 years old was one of the youngest to ever start at the Agency, Tylor had quickly climbed the ladder and in a few years might make Sectional Chief. Already in charge of the Italian desk, Tylor's work was impeccable. Needless to say, this made him a favorite target of Laurence's wrath.

Their eyes met, and for the briefest of seconds, Laurence smiled and began to walk slowly to Tylor's desk, savoring the idea of the abuse he would heap on the young man. Tylor's face was ashen and then, he did something that surprised Laurence. He picked up a paper from his desk and almost sprinted towards him.

“That's it.... come chase the tiger, you little shit.” thought Laurence as Tylor made his way towards him. The grip on his mug grew tight.

Tylor, clutching a fresh teletype, gathered up his courage. He was marginally afraid of the frail old man and had dealt with his abuse for two years. He secretly was counting the days until the bastard's retirement. Normally, he felt it was best to avoid Laurence, but what he had just read necessitated actual interaction with “the old fuck”; a name all in WEOC used only in the most absolute of private settings and only in hushed tones, as if the mere mention of him could cause him to appear suddenly.

“Sir!” he said. “We have some news I think you need to see...” said Tylor, his accent betraying his Midwest origins.

Laurence grumbled “What, Greg? Did the wops lose another ex-Prime minister?” refering to the murder of Aldo Moro the year before.

Tylor, his hand shaking, handed Laurence the teletype. “No.... someone blew up the train station in Bologna...”

Laurence saw his opening and seized it. “So? The Italians have been blowing each other up for decades. Why the hell are you wasting my time!” he roared, his voice raising after each successive word.

“B... b... because one of ours is on the list of the deceased....” Tylor blurted out. Laurence grabbed the teletype out of the young mans hand, growling. His eyes scanned the page, reading quickly. Tylor, pressing his already rotten luck, continued “ of the Phoenix boys and his wife...” Laurence raised his hand, demanding quiet. Prior to his unwilling transfer to WEOC he had been in charge of South East Asia Clandestine Ops and knew most all of the old boys from Operation Phoenix by name. Laurence read quickly and halted. His eyes closed and in a low muted tone, one lacking any of the rage he had just displayed quietly muttered, “Gregory.... get Western European ops on the line. We have some friends over in the Health Ministry. I want these two names purged. No mention, what so ever. No papers, no certificates... nothing. Got it? And it does not leave this department without my say so.” His hand was shaking as he spilled a bit of his coffee on the floor.

He turned and muttered over his shoulder, “I'll be over at the DCI's office for a while.” He left, leaving Tylor standing there with a worried look on his face.


02 августа 1980

Долго расположитесь электронное наблюдение штаба ЦРУ от Лазурной птицы.

Первый Голос: “I don't give a shit, Jack. I'm almost retired anyway, what the hell could you do to me?”

Директор Центральных Сведений: “You know better than to ask that Norb....”

Первый Голос: “...are... are you threatening me you little shit?”

Директор Центральных Сведений: “You forget yourself, Laurence. You know the game, we all play it. Her father played it, you played it and well... it sucks rocks but that's the way it is.... she doesn't have anywhere to go anyway. It's either this or ward of the state.”

Первый Голос: “I'll take her in.”

Директор Центральных Сведений: “Oh, stop with the chivalry crap, Norb. We served together, dammit, I know better. Besides, you're damn near retirement and single and honestly, an old grump. Great, you and her daddy were buddies outside of work. I understand, I really do.... but what are you going to do when she's 20. Make her push you around in your wheelchair when she goes off to college. No.... this is how it's going to be. This is how it's GOT to be and you know it.”

Первый Голос: “Jack... just... promise me two things.”

Директор Центральных Сведений: “...sure Norb, go ahead... let's hear it.”

Первый Голос: “That you won't let none of those jackals over at SciTech hurt her if this goes all to a cluster fuck...”

Директор Центральных Сведений: “Norb, you know damn well the second she's in the program she's a matter of national security.... if... if... it does turn into, as you say, a cluster fuck.... aw... christ.... ok, fine, I'll do what I can, no promises though. POTUS will have my head for it, not to mention the Joint Chiefs. What else are you going to toss me over a barrel for?”

Первый Голос: “I want to bring her in myself. Let me at least do that.”

Директор Центральных Сведений: “Agreed, on one condition. No word about her parents. I know that'll be hard for her Uncle Norb not to do, but I have instructions that the project needs to break that to her, as part of her training.”

Первый Голос: “*sigh*... will I see her again?”

Директор Центральных Сведений: “Laurence... Norbert.... from what I've been hearing about the results so far over at homeschool... if you did, she would probably be the last thing you saw before she put a bullet in her Uncle Norbert's head. Go get a driver. She'll be at school. We'll take care of the details. Don't fuck this up Norb. It's not worth it.”
12/13/08 00:35
MissySeriously good stuff Usr. So fresh and different from anything else here and you really don't give yourself enough credit in our OOC IM's. You can do more than "can kinda of string a bunch together and it all makes sense. maybe" to quote you. Keep it coming! I wanna read MORREEE. (Even if I have zero idea what most of the acronyms mean.. except for POTUS. That one I get.. thanks to Tom Clancy :P)12/13/08 18:10
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