This page conserves the character fiction forum of the Agora forums. The posts have been left unformatted to make it easier for users to copy them here and paste them into the new forums.

Oren Itanooren12/10/08 18:25View
Missy12/10/08 22:22View
The backstory of Vulpes.Vulpes12/11/08 01:46View
Erica KesselErica Kessel12/11/08 07:52View
Missy's Story.. a Do-over and another ChapterMissy12/11/08 22:38View
UsrBinPerl12/11/08 23:48View
oren12/11/08 23:57View
Kwekwe's BackstoryKwekwe Karu12/12/08 01:02View
UsrBinPerl12/13/08 00:35View
Eternal SunsetMissy12/13/08 12:19View
Kit Ristow12/14/08 00:01View
ShyMathys12/14/08 00:27View
MasksAlissa12/14/08 00:58View
Lorae12/14/08 01:24View
UsrBinPerl12/14/08 22:07View
Missy's Story Continued..Part 3Missy12/16/08 08:43View
Missy's Story Part 4: Innocence ShatteredMissy12/16/08 18:34View
Missy's Story Part 5: Innocence AnnihilatedMissy12/18/08 17:16View
Small DangersVox12/18/08 21:36View
Saint of The Abyss: Part 1Luciferiel12/19/08 05:21View
Zero....-1Justa Zero12/19/08 17:38View
Zero....1Justa Zero12/19/08 18:26View
Óðr’s Daughter. Chapter I: A Guiding DreamAsil Karu12/20/08 02:39View
Omega To Alphaerinnic12/23/08 16:49View
Her Bloody Tears [-Past Event-]Methias12/23/08 18:09View
Lost Kitsune - A Shattered MindKiera12/25/08 18:51View
Usr's story Part IVUsrBinPerl12/27/08 20:34View
The EssexHeir Maelstrom12/29/08 04:23View
Kwekwe's shameKwekwe Karu12/30/08 18:11View
Joint Round Robin Fic Anyone...?erinnic12/30/08 19:07View
God Was On Her Lips As She Diederinnic01/02/09 23:31View
Love and Betrayal - A New Beginningkessjuliesse01/03/09 13:46View
The Diary of Cody Woodhencodywoodhen01/05/09 21:35View
Missy's Story Part 6: Innocence AbductedMissy01/07/09 06:23View
Cursed BladeYannis_Martynov01/08/09 21:27View
Story Thread: Community Round Robin Ficerinnic01/09/09 23:25View
The demon withinCanly Fargis01/11/09 16:14View
Ziau- CoLA's Very Own CasanovaZiau01/13/09 02:09View
Twisted Attentionserinnic01/21/09 20:34View
Inspiration- music and roleplayZiau01/26/09 08:01View
Compilation! Where were you when it all happened?Ziau01/28/09 09:12View
The Clock Struck MidnightMalice Ashdene01/28/09 22:31View
With Precision- a poem by Kelly Welch A.k.A Ziau Jua.Ziau01/29/09 04:36View
Alisa's dicovery of a new world (character sheet + story)Alisa Draconia01/30/09 19:17View
The Shadow Stepper- Ziau the Enshadowed.Ziau02/01/09 07:26View
Krista Lemon arrives to the streets of Lost AngelsKrista02/03/09 00:09View
Back Story Upto the Excile of Rune.RuneCrimson02/03/09 21:59View
War with the Brood, war with the Coven, and the Pack.Ziau02/07/09 04:11View
-- Halcyon's Backstory --Halcyon Nacht02/08/09 00:22View
Planer/Exonar family (aka, Erinyse, Khalan, Viridian, Cummere, Selena)Cummere Mayo02/08/09 03:53View
Kit's BackstoryKit Ristow02/10/09 18:40View
Eyes in the DarkKeyla02/11/09 09:47View
Surfacing Part ILlyr02/13/09 22:21View
Surfacing Part IILlyr02/13/09 22:35View
Tama-Chan: A Cat's Story (Tamara's background)Tamara02/17/09 07:35View
Project: A map of Post Apocalypse North AmericaTamara02/17/09 19:21View
Dreamtime RevelationsWinter02/19/09 18:08View
Reaver-the echo of the BlackwindAntiZero02/23/09 00:43View
On the Origin of SpeciesTamara02/25/09 22:38View
ConfessionKit Ristow02/26/09 01:39View
Personnel File: Pointe, Zsuzsanna C. (Inactive, Deceased)Su Pointe02/26/09 03:32View
Malice, in a Different Kind of WonderlandMalice Ashdene02/27/09 18:07View
The Dark of InspirationKit Ristow03/01/09 21:42View
Jheric: CrucifiedKayle Ashdene03/03/09 10:53View
It's my lifearsene_Braveheart03/05/09 18:18View
The Tradgedy of the HybridDigital Enigma03/29/09 07:09View
The Sin of Wrathmolly switchblade04/02/09 21:28View
Golden BoyEphran Ehrler04/15/09 06:12View
Story About A GirlAesendria04/24/09 15:34View
Climaxe by Smith and WessonSloan04/28/09 06:19View
My new project ATTENTION Russian Characters!Ziau05/01/09 06:42View
**NSFW** A Typical Tuesday Night for MissyMissy05/06/09 20:48View
Post your profile links!Cortero Landar05/07/09 10:25View
Making Logan SufferAesendria05/12/09 07:09View
Jeanne VarunJeanne Varun05/14/09 08:24View
The Vanguard's True PurposeLogan05/16/09 01:03View
Cortero's Infernal ArmorCortero Landar05/16/09 06:52View
Bookstore SurpriseAesendria05/16/09 23:16View
Post your profile links if you have in-story info in them!Cortero Landar05/18/09 10:33View
PromisesAesendria05/24/09 02:44View
Cyber Evolution Bios, Anur Seda, Cyber Reaper, and Commander of CETheassassin06/08/09 11:28View
Was any of it real?Youko_Giha06/12/09 15:28View
A shift in prioritiesLogan06/17/09 04:21View
Going homeLudvig06/17/09 19:10View
'Ren in Japanoren06/18/09 23:11View
Thelma across the boardThelemaJuliesse06/26/09 15:09View
Pre-fiction: How Kayteear got here.Kayteear07/15/09 16:43View
Story TimeCharissa07/17/09 19:03View
Pack Airship RP.Tai07/27/09 02:49View
My CharacterLilith1308/05/09 22:34View
LilithLilith1308/06/09 09:30View
The Haunter in the DarkShadow08/14/09 21:50View
The Flying HeadsKwekwe Karu08/16/09 16:52View
Why selling coffins is impossible in CoLAZiau08/23/09 04:14View
Paint it red!Ziau08/23/09 07:51View
Young Cowards.Ziau08/23/09 08:28View
Great video for RPers and people passionate about writing.Ziau09/05/09 08:55View
Dux - 264 BCDux09/10/09 18:41View
The Thing at South Gate SanitariumShadow09/15/09 22:09View
♪♫ Do you wanna RP my avatar ♪♫Kayteear09/17/09 14:45View
Jessica's MotherJessica Susser09/21/09 04:19View
Ziau Challenged me to. NSFWChasityDawes09/21/09 07:17View
The Divine Machine.................Theassassin09/21/09 22:29View
I Bleed my Blood for Myself.Ziau09/22/09 22:28View
Cronicle of a deathKayteear09/24/09 01:34View
"Please Allow Me to Introduce Myself"DavidJoshua Artful09/26/09 17:07View
Old Versus NewDigital Enigma09/27/09 20:28View
The Shadowed Order, The Eternal Order, Ordo MachinaTheassassin10/06/09 06:55View
Elamyrath's HistoryElamyrath10/10/09 00:52View
The here, the now, the dead. The Minus.TheMinus Ziskey10/10/09 12:41View
Before bed ritual.Amy Guisse10/17/09 04:13View
Alone?Ike10/18/09 15:34View
IS this High School again?Theassassin10/24/09 12:49View
Sidhe vs DrowOrlok Lectar10/29/09 04:08View
Daddy bluesarsene_Braveheart11/17/09 19:01View
Chronicles of SIEagentlyseria11/22/09 12:27View
The Lady In Black(A Drokan Exile Twisted Love Story)AntiZero11/29/09 06:36View
The growing Darkness.Leirain Koray12/01/09 11:04View
The lycanKayteear12/01/09 16:00View
City of Lost Jackman: The Untold Hollywood BlockbusterAntiZero12/02/09 07:11View
Coming home for christmas ..Kes12/10/09 22:17View
Bunneh Vs. Lich, DBZ styleKarsha Yutani12/14/09 11:59View
A FarewellRoland12/16/09 20:50View
Of Death and RebirthDigital Enigma12/21/09 20:14View
The Story of ReocoReoko Farspire02/06/10 20:47View
Homecoming......... The Story of Orpheus DarkfoldOrpheusDarkfold03/11/10 02:27View
The Story of Orpheus Part 2OrpheusDarkfold03/13/10 23:15View
Who owns who?Kayteear03/22/10 22:03View
Missing the Oceanricercar03/23/10 22:27View
Letter to the editor: Manners in LATink03/25/10 16:58View
Chasity BackstoryChasityDawes06/14/10 19:43View
Something Black and Violent...DavidJoshua Artful06/19/10 22:23View
Doctor Visiterinnic07/12/10 04:26View
Gabby Perdidevacantghost07/19/10 04:42View
TamaraI'm not known to that many people, and since I am getting back into activity in COLA, I thought I'd repost my background. I hope you like it!

# # #

“One day many years ago back home in Japan,” the old man said in between long drawn out puffs of his cigarette, “a wealthy and powerful man was caught in a storm. As he was waiting for the storm to pass, he noticed a cat beckoning to him.”

The old man set down his cigarette and picked up the silencer attachment to one of his twin uzi's. The parts of it were stretched out over the table top, each arranged exactly the same way as every other time he cleaned them. The dissembled uzi's twin lay in easy reach and the man faced the only entrance into the room.

Ancient turn of the century J Pop played off a battered old player perched on the edge of the table. The old man waved his cigarette in time with the music making odd swirling patterns with the smoke.

“So he followed the cat into an old monk's hovel.” The old man rubbed his fingers and knuckles, working out his arthritis' bite. “Just afterwards, lightning struck right at the spot he was standing at... so the beckoning cat saved his life.”

Twin cat tails swirled into his face, making him cough. He batted them away. “Humans and their fairy tales. That's not how it happened at all. It wasn't even a storm!” The pretty black haired neko danced to the soft music for the old man as she always did, in the nude. Though his body was aged, his eyes still followed the sway of her breasts as it had decades earlier.

The old man finished with cleaning and starts to reassemble his uzi. “Are you telling this story, Tama-chan? No? Then dance and let me tell it.”

“Again,” Tama-chan added with a wink.

The old man shot her a look that silenced her but for a pleasant giggle. “And that's where Manekineko come from, in honor of Tama, the monk's cat.” He smiled as he snapped the last part of the gun into place and screwed on the silencer. “Your namesake.”

She swayed her twin cat tails and looked him in the eyes. “But I'm not a manekineko, Ojisan (“grandfather”), and I've brought you nothing but misery your entire life.”

He chuckled and switched the uzis' places and started to strip the second one. Even with his fingers shaking as they always did, his movements were ruthlessly efficient. “You've brought me a thousand joys sweet Tama-Chan. You have made me the happiest man in Japan... and certainly the happiest in the accursed land we find ourselves in.”

Tama-chan sighed and ran her fingers through her long dark hair as she danced for him. “Old fool... I'll be the death of you...”

As the old man stripped the second uzi, Tama heard the sounds of motion outside. Stealing a glance out the window, she could barely make out a figure watching, and approaching their hut's door. The old man never even looked up. He stopped stripping the second uzi, took a long drag on his cigarette and picked up the second uzi.

“Tama-chan, come sit by me,” the old man said as he took off the safety.

Tama sighed and turned towards him. As she heard the boy approaching outside, her forked double tail swirled through the air releasing a faint trace of magic. Her body shifted and shrunk in midair as she jumped towards his chair. A black two tailed cat landed on the arm of the old man's chair, padded into his lap and curled up for nap.

The door opened a crack and the boy guard poked his head in. “Tams...” he said in that scratchy goth industrial tone that the locals sported.

BANG went the uzi. A bullet wizzed through the air and nicked the boy's unshaven cheek, leaving a streak of red, then impacted the doorframe behind him with a thud and a puff of wood splinters.

“FUCKING FUCK!” the boy said as he fumbled with the straps to his own gun.

“You should learn to knock,” the old man said as he petted Tama-chan's ears with his free hand. The gun shook violently in his hands and though to the untrained eye the old man looked as serene as the night sky, Tama could see the pain shaking through him. She mewled sympathetically and rubbed her cheek against his fingers.

“Crazy old bastard!” the guy shouted as he drew his pistol. Though the old man's hand shook so bad it seemed the gun would drop from his hand, he pulled the trigger and a second bullet flew out. Like the first, it knicked the boy across the other cheek leaving twin faintly bleeding scars on the boy's fuzzy cheeks.

“Put your gun away before you make me kill you boy.” Tama began to purr. Though his body was aged, she could still make out the last burning embers of the cold steel warrior he had been in his youth.

The boy wisely dropped the gun and it clattered across the floor. “Jesus fucking tapdancing christ! I just came to warn you and Bang Bang ... um, Tams...” He touched his cheek and wiped away the faint smears of blood. “There's some bandits in the area and you fucking shoot me!”

“We'll be careful.” The old man's tone was final.

The boy was too stupid to notice. “That's great but...” he looked at Tama in the man's lap and seemed confused. “But where is Tama? She's in danger too...”

“She is none of your concern boy,” he said, his hand quaking more than ever.

“Its my fucking concern as a guard of this...”

“BEGONE!” the old man shouted. The boy scrambled to pick up his gun and quickly bolted out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Once the sound of the boy's footfalls could no longer be heard, the old man dropped the uzi onto the table with a loud clatter. “Agh..” he held out his shaking, liver spot covered hand. Tama shifted back to near human form and her long tails extended in length and beauty. She took his hand into hers and gently massaged it as her tails wove his chi back into shape.

The old man's chi was difficult to shape because of his advanced age, but at least she could ease the pain and stop the shaking from being so visible.

Tama grinned up at him and in a mocking tone, said, “Begone!”

He smiled through the obvious pain. “Little bastard...”

She kept massaging his hand as she curled her tails around him. “You're going to give him nightmares old bully,” she said, sticking her tongue out at him. “You're as good a shot as ever.”

He looked down at her with a half grin. “What do you mean Tama-chan, I missed... twice!” She giggled and fwapped him with a tail.

“Stop it...” As she massaged his hand, she added, “Ojisan, you are near your limit. I can mend wounds, raise the dead, cure poisons. But,“ she looked up into his eyes, “I can only slow the march of time, not stop it. I can't do much more for you.”

He wrapped his withered arm around her and pulled her into a gentle kiss. “You have done so much for me already Tama-chan... it is enough.”

He broke off the kiss to take another drag of his cigarette. “If I can see you safely to this gaijin City of Lost Angels before I pass on, I will have earned an honorable afterlife. You will be safe there, you can start over there...”

He ran his hand through her hair gently, a tear forming in his eye. “My beautiful Nekomata...”

She wrapped her arms and tails around him and kissed him. "Come on ojisan... " she helped him to his feet and dragged him over to the hut's cot to stretch out, then stretched out beside him and held him as he drifted off to sleep.

# # #

The full moon filled the hut with enough light for a human to stumble through, it was more than enough for Tama to slink through like, well, a cat. She eased out of the old man's arms and tiptoed towards the door. She looked back at him and blew him a soft kiss as she skulked out.

Behind her, the old man opened his eyes and stared out the window watching her pad away. “Be careful, Tama-chan...” he whispered to himself.

# # #

In feline form, Tama padded along the rooftops of the guard barracks. Window by window she spied into the rooms until she found the one she was looking for. The boy stood nude in front of a mirror with his back to the window. He was young, strong, muscled, powerful. His chi lit up the room with its virile intensity, like the old man's had when she first met him as a kitten.

She slipped through the window and was shifted into humanoid form before her feet touched the ground. She crouched up to the skittish boy under the sight of the mirror and then shouted, “BEGONE!”

He stumbled back and squealed in fear. Banging his head against the wall he tripped and plopped down on his ass, his impressive cock dangling sadly between his open legs.

She grinned, and looked down at him with a faux innocent smile. “Scaredy kitty go boom!”

He smiled up at her despite rubbing his head painfully. “Tams! Bang Bang Kitty! I was worried about you!” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him.

There were band aids over the bullet scars across his cheeks. She started to flick her tails and send healing energy into the wounds but stopped.

“Ah fuck it,” she mused to herself, “Not like I am ever going to see him again.”

She rubbed her finger just under the wounds though and said, “I sorry about grampa kitty... he's a cranky kitty,” She grinned up at him and could feel his arousal as her bare flesh rubbed against his.

“I've forgotten all about him... come here, pretty kitty...” He pulled her into his lap, his thick cock rubbing between her legs.

“Ohh Scaredy Kitty's excited!” She giggles playfully and wrapped her arms around him. “Makes mah kitty purr boy!” she shouted.

He layed out right there on the floor of his room and forced himself inside her. “Too good for that fucking old man,” he muttered as he slammed into her.

She laughed and brushed her tails across his face. “Just shut up and fuck me.”

# # #

O-dark-thirty, the first faint lightening of the sky before dawn, Tama bolted up out of bed. She was back with the old man, her body still on fire from the boy. He was still clueless, as youth often are, but his powerful chi and his boundless enthusiasm made up for his lack of talent. Her ears twitched as she tried to tell what had woken her up.

The old man was still asleep, snoring loudly. If he hadn't awoken, was there really any threat? He had never slept through real danger before.

Tama let her eyelids flutter closed again and slumbered back down on the old man's chest, much to her later regret.

# # #

The bang of a gun echoing through the room woke her back up. She jumped back off the bed and landed on the balls of her feet ready to pounce. Three masked men stood in the room. The middle one was obviously the boy from earlier, the other two larger and more menacing. She almost didn't want to look, but there in the hammock still, the old man was sitting up, desperately holding his chest. Blood drooled out of his fingers from the bullet wound underneath. Worse, the bottom of the cot was soaking through with blood from out his back. A look of pain and horror filled his eyes.

“Fucking old man, you don't deserve hot pussy like this!” The boy aimed the gun at the old man's head.

Tama hissed angrily and lashed her tails through the air. At the same time, she waved her hands and spoke some jibberish that might sound convincingly like magic words. Her tails did the work and ripped and tore holes into the boy's chi. He screamed in pain and his hand jerked but he still managed to fire the shot.

It was unfortunate. At the same time the boy shot, the old man's head jerked back, back into the line of fire. It broke through his skull and shot clean through, impacting the wall behind him. Blood and brains and wood splinters filled the air and drifted down like snowflakes. If she had done nothing, it would have missed.

“OJISAAAAAAAAAN!” she screamed and leapt to his side, the three men forgotten for the moment. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled his bleeding body up. “Ojisaaaan!” she shouted to him.

He looked up at her, the life flickering out of his eyes. He smiled, reaching up a bloody hand to touch her cheek. “Tama-chan... I love you,” he whispered. His eyes went blank and his arm gently fell to the ground.

She hissed angrily, righteous fury demanding immanent death to all around her. As her tails twisted a new spell to rip the men's bodies to pieces, the butt of the gun smacked her in the head.

“Fucking slut!” the boy shouted as he bashed her in the head. “You're coming with me! Forget that magic shit!”

She tumbled to the ground, blood oozing from her temple. Before she could roll away, the two other men leapt at her and pinned her down to the ground.

“Val you got a real nice one here,” one said.

“No wonder he can't keep it in his pants,” the other chimed in.

She struggled but the men were obviously talented in their tasks. Her hands were bound, her feet, and a gag stuffed into her mouth. Before she even know what hit her, she was lifted up over one of their shoulders.

“Don't hurt her!” the boy shouted to the men. “I did this all for her!”

Tama dug her fangs into her gag and thanked the gods for the stupidity of humans. Her tails, totally ignored by the men, twisted into an evil dance as she worked her chi magic.

The three men were turning out of the room, so they didn't see her enfuse the old man with the last burning embers of chi she could. He rose up, zombie like, and grabbed his gun. With death, the shake in his arm had fled. The corpse which had been her ojisan, her lover for so long, aimed the uzi at the three men and snapped the safety off.

Three bangs.

Three shots.

Three bodies tumbled to the ground.

Tama-chan rolled onto her back but curled her tails around, moving the old man's bloody body like a marionette. He lumbered over and untied her bound arms, and then she untied herself. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she hugged the unfeeling corpse.

“Ojisaaaan!” she shouted uselessly. The corpse, at her command, wrapped its arms around her, smearing the old man's blood and ichor over her naked body.

She wiped away her tears and concentrated. “Ojisan... I want to say goodbye to you...” she kissed the corpse's cheek and stepped back. She held her tails up and they swayed through the air for long silent moments.

Slowly a glowing ball of blue flame materialized in the room and bounced about merrily. She giggled and sniffled at the same time watching its little dance. Her tails pointed towards the corpse and the little ball flew into the old man's chest and disappeared.

The old man's body shuddered and he let out a long gasp. “Tama-chan!”

She cried anew and wrapped her arms around him. “Ojisan!”

He held her close and said, “My head hurts, and everything looks so strange, and beautiful. I've never seen the like.” He looked down into her eyes. “You look so beautiful, Tama-chan.”

She leaned up and gave him a kiss. “You see my spirit form now, Ojisan...”

Realization entered his eyes. “The boy. I was careless.”

She shuddered as a sob wracked her body. “Don't blame yourself Ojisan. Its my fault, as all your pains have ever been. I'm so sorry Ojisan.”

She snuggled up in his bleeding arms. “Even in death I use you for my own purposes,” she whimpered.

He squeezed her hand. “Tama-chan, please don't cry. I died as a warrior must, fighting for that which I love. I would have it no other way.” He looked into her eyes. “it has been a good life with you, always.”

She whimpered, her lower lip twitching violently. “I love you Ojisan.” Her tears fell, wetting his cheek.

He wiped it away and stared at it in amazement. “Please don't cry Tama-chan. Please, smile for me once more so I can take that perfect vision of you into the next life with me.”

She fought back the tears and smiled her best for him and looked up into his eyes. “I love you.”

He leaned back, his eyes already starting to glaze over. “I know.”

And with that, the ball of blue flame left his corpse and it dropped back like a stone and thumped against the wood floor. It floated up and out the window, and Tama watched as it disappeared into the brightening dawn. She held out her hand as if to touch it, and once again murmured, “Ojisan...”

# # #

Tama sat in the back of the rusty winnebago smoking the last cig from the old man's last pack. She lit it up and took a long drag. One of the old man's uzi's sat at her side in easy reach in case of trouble and the other, she had been in the process of stripping down. She'd watched him do it every day for twenty years, she had learned enough to mimic his motions. A dirty young raggamuffin refugee kid sat and fidgetted in the seat across the way. His mother was fast asleep and with nothing else to do, the boy watched her break the gun down and clean it. She worked pipe cleaners into various parts as she finished off the cig.

"THIRTY MINUTES!" the grizzled driver shouted as he leaned back to look into the cramped winnebago. "And you'll be in CoLA you poor motherfuckers."

Tama could see other cars and trucks and motorcycles plying the old highway stretching from San Fran down into LA.. They passed through the ruined sprawl that surrounded COLA proper for miles around. A faded and tattered roadside proclaimed 'Welcome to Santa Clarita!"

Tama smiled at the boy and his mother, wondering what fate would befall them once they arrived. She put the uzi back together again and snapped a magazine back into place.

"Ojisan, I made it..." she said as her fingers slid over His gun. "I made it..."

# # #
02/17/09 07:35
KeylaGreat story, Tama. Thanks for sharing. I really like your style. :)

Though the part with the old man was so sad *sniffs a little*

Btw, did you post that on the old forums too? Sounds familiar for some reason... Anyways, great story. :D
02/17/09 07:47
TamaraYes I did post this on the old boards. Thanks for the kind words Keyla! Also I wanted to add a little background I did on Nekomata, since its a little bit of an unusual racial choice. Kind of like Bakeneko (Neko demons) but distinct. Here goes...

# # #



Nekomata are shapeshifting asian feline spirits quasi related to demons and angels of western tradition but bearing a stronger similarity in behavior to mischievous faeries and nature spirits. They share an affinity with their cousins the Kitsune (fox spirits) and Tanuki (Racoon Dog spirits). The name Nekomata means "Forked Cat" and refers to the distinctive double tail Nekomata have.

The true origin of the Nekomata are lost in the sands of time. According to folklore, they developed from housecats in a variety of potential ways. The Japanese believed any cat that was allowed to reach ten years of age, grow to a certain size or allowed to keep a long tail would naturally evolve into a Nekomata. At some point its tail would split in two and it would begin developing a capricious intelligence and magical powers.


It is believed that all Neko's, including Nekomata, trace their lineage back to the land of Khem (Egypt). At some point before recorded history it is believed that proto Neko's worshipping Bast the Devourer in Her aspect of a house cat traveled from Egypt into southeast Asia. From there, these Bastet Neko split into several distinct breeds including the altruistic Manekineko, the Bakeneko, the Kasha and of course the Nekomata. From what scholars can glean of the scattered early histories, Bastet Neko became involved with Japanese Oni and Youkai (demons) as slaves, pets and lovers. In the process they gained a distinct set of inborn magical talents. They remain much closer to the human world than most demons. Where demons seek to corrupt and destroy humanity, Nekomata are more playfully capricious and given to tricks and taunts.


Nekomata are found living in and around humans either as felines, disguised as humans, or, more and more commonly today, as halfform 'Nekos.' Nekomata are becoming more and more bold in approaching humans. When demons and vampires run around, a cute girl with cat ears and a tail just doesn't draw the kind of attention it used to from superstitious Japanese peasants. Nekomata demand attention, food, respect and adoration from humans and like ordinary cats busy themselves with sleeping, eating, sex and a variety of amusements. They really only dislike being mistreated, especially by humans. While many Nekomata are fickle and turn their attention at a moment's notice, they do not easily forget when they are insulted and by whom.


Nekomata direct their magical abilities through their forked double tails. Where some wizards wave about their hands and chant words of power, Nekomata point and sway their tails in delicate mystical ballets to conjure spells. A Nekomata with bound or severed tails is at a serious disadvantage until the tails can be freed or regrown. Traditionally Nekomata specialize in a few distinct areas of magical ability.

For example projecting fear. A gang banger would probably run, but a professionaly trained soldier who is used to suppressing her fear would probably stay and fight and not be noticeably affected. Later she might suffer more long lasting post traumatic stress disorder while the Gang Banger forgot about it an hour later.

Nekomata can animate corpses and control the dead to do their bidding. Note that this does not include Vampires who are in a state where they are neither living nor dead thus are beyond the touch of the Nekomata. They can also learn to carefully funnel Chi or life energy into or out of people. This can heal or create wounds, raise the freshly dead back to life. The most infamous use of these abilities is to raises corpses who are then made to dance for the Nekomata's amusement. They can also summon up spirits in the form of ghostly fireballs. Their necromantic talents start off small but can grow to be incredibly powerful.

Limited Shapeshifting:
Nekomata can change between a normal cat form and a fully human form. They have five basic forms they can assume: Full Feline (looks like a normal housecat). Near Feline (looks like a panther) Half Form (looks like a furry style feline), Near Human (looks like a typical neko, human except for ears, tail, body markings, whiskers), and Full Human. These forms will usually look the same, so they can't shapeshift to look like a variety of different Full Human forms for example.

Necromantic Shapeshifting:
Nekomata can shapechange into an exact likeness of anyone they kill. Note that this can include other felines they kill.

Much like western Sidhe or Fae, Nekomata have the ability to enchant or bewitch people with Glamour. For all but the most powerful of Nekomata, this is limited to empathy and projecting empathy. They can percieve the auras of people around them and thus read their basic emotional state. They can also subtly manipulate peoples auras to inspire them to feel love, lust, fear, happiness, sorrow, etc. The exact results should be roleplayed out.

For example projecting fear. A gang banger would probably run, but a professionaly trained soldier who is used to suppressing her fear would probably stay and fight and not be noticeably affected. Later she might suffer more long lasting post traumatic stress disorder while the Gang Banger forgot about it an hour later.
02/17/09 08:06
TamaraI saw the Vanguard thread where James Saito had a very fun character sheet bio kind of thing. I liked it so much I filled one out for Tama and am posting it here.

Name: Tama (Aliases: Tama-chan, Tamara Park)
Age: 732 (born in 1307 AD in northern Honshu, Japan during the final years of the Kamakura Shogunate), but is extremely immature for her age
Alignment: Neutral Evil (with mischievous tendencies)
Talents/Skills: Necromancy, Larceny, Stealth/Camouflage
Birth order: Born in a litter of seven Nekomata, five of which survived childhood
Siblings: Hikaru (sister, insane), Kyoka (sister), Mio (brother, deceased), Mitsue (sister, deceased), Naota (brother), Tobari (sister). When a nekomata hits adolescence, their tail splits in two and releases their magical powers. When the kits hit this stage, their parents performed the traditional Nekomata ritual and murdered all of their children. The children then had to use their powers to cross the gate of death into the afterlife, then pull themselves back, effectively resurrecting themselves. Mio and Mitsue did not manage to do this and died permanently. Hikaru did it, but went mad in the process and never recovered.
Spouse: None
Children: None known
Parents: Matamune (father), Yugito (mother). Both are ancient Nekomata kami from northern Honshu.
Grandparents, Paternal: Kirmira, Tama's paternal grandfather was a Rakshasa, or hindu cat demon from the forest of Kamyaka in India. Ekibe, Tama's paternal grandmother, was a Bastet Neko from a nomad clan roaming out of ancient Egypt. She was enslaved by Kirmira and became one of his many consorts.
Grandparents, Maternal: Shuten-doji, Tama's paternal grandfather was a powerful Oni from the Kyoto region. He was infamous as a drunkard who would capture beautiful women and imprison them as his slaves. Mirri, Tama's maternal grandmother, was a beautiful neko woman kidnapped by Shuten and kept in his fortress until freed by the Japanese hero, Minamoto no Raiko.
Grandchildren: None
Significant Others: Lexa Kitty, a neko she met in COLA. 'The Old Man' a Japanese samurai she developed a deep fondness for. She met him while he fought in the Boshin War in 1868 and saved his life when he should have died on the battlefield. Afterwards, she stayed with him through the turbulence of the Meiji Restoration and the modern era of Japan. She kept him alive through her necromantic magics and extended his life to about 200 years. He was murdered while helping her travel to Lost Angels from Japan.
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Race: Nekomata (necromantic cat demon)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black
Glasses or contact lenses: No, do shades count?
Skin color: Light
Distinguishing features: Neko ears, two black cat tails.
How does she dress?: Wastelands Chic. Can dress quite well when called for but is trying to blend in with the scruffy westerners.
Mannerisms: Speaks with a very exaggerated 'lolcat' accent as she understands westernized neko are 'supposed' to. Generally goes out of her way to appear silly and non threatening, so as to make those around her underestimate her. Playful, sexual, mischievous. While she is evil, she's more of a trickster than a thug killer.
Habits: Has a fondness for catnip and mice
Health: Extremely good health. Is skilled in necromancy and healing magic, so keeps herself magically in perfect health.
Hobbies: Playing with other races in a variety of interpretations of that meaning.
Disabilities: No significant disabilities (yet!)

Greatest flaw: Tama really doesn't trust anyone, ever. Its very rare that she actually opens up about her true nature.
Best quality: Cleverness. Tama is quick witted and can usually come up with plans on the fly to get out of the messes she inevitably finds herself in.
Educational Background: Very well educated by most human standards after 700 years of life. Extremely poorly educated by the standards of anyone else who has lived 700 years. Most of that education is from traditional japanese sources.
Intelligence Level: Above average, safely below genius.
Any Mental Illnesses?: None. Well perhaps Kleptomania, and ooh does nymphomania count? How about compulsive tricksteritis?

Character's short-term goals in life: To enjoy life, which is made quite difficult because everyone's panties are in such a bunch over this little apocalypse thing.
Character's long-term goals in life: People make long term goals? Really! Huh.
How does your character see himself/herself?: She is a little hard on herself because eventually everyone around her meets death or misfortune and its usually her fault. She considers herself bad luck.
How does your character believe he/she is perceived by others?: She thinks most people aren't aware she exists, and those that are think of her as 'that crazy neko chick.'
How self-confident is the character?: Very. But that's Neko confidence, as in, 'I'm confident I can run away while the stupid human I was flirting with defends my honor against the demon.'
Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?: Emotion. Logic is for people who can die.
What would most embarrass this character?: Being boring.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert. Which covers an introverted true nature.

How does the character deal with anger?: Well. Don't get mad get even.
With sadness?: Badly. She mopes for days and wallows in her sadness. To quite Smashing Pumpkins, “I'm in love with my sadness.”
With conflict?: Well more or less.
With change?: Well. Can change on a dime.
With loss?: Well in the short term, but poorly the longer she has to dwell on what she's lost.
What does the character want out of life?: Pleasure, enjoyment, amusement. She's lived a long time and probably will live a lot longer. She doesn't take much seriously except enjoying the moment.
What would the character like to change in his/her life?: If anything, she would like to improve the standing of neko in this new world from default victim of choice. That's what humans are for people!
What motivates this character?: Hedonism.
What frightens this character?: Buzzkillers. The Purifiers are probably top in this category of things that threaten to kill the buzz of this post apoc playground. Also after an early run in with a certain vampire clown in COLA, she has developed a phobia of clowns.
What makes this character happy?: Making someone laugh. Making someone see the beauty and wonder that surrounds them even in this dark and terrible time.

Is the character judgmental of others?: Fairly yes. Especially if it pisses them off.
Is the character generous or stingy?: Stingy. Very very very stingy. Get a job hippy!
Is the character generally polite or rude?: I'd have to go with rude. Playfully rude.
Does the character believe in God?: Yes. Not exactly the Western / human idea of god, but yes.
What are the character's spiritual beliefs?: Shintoism.
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life?: Considering she is a kami, a spirit of the shinto religion, I would have to say yes.
If so, what role does it play?: She is a living embodiment of the religion and interacts with its precepts every day.
02/20/09 19:37
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