Gamma Wave Games News

Gamma Wave Games was originally established in 2006 by Second Life users Suzanna Soyinka (Designer, City of Lost Angels/Angels Respite), and Jora Welesa(LCK Open Source System) to provide an advanced role play combat system for the users of the Second Life grid environment in support of the wildly popular City of Lost Angel's role play gaming community.

The Community Combat System ©2006 - 2014, expanded and refined itself as a project since that time, with the additional help of Second Life user Melanie Milland. And expanded wildly over time until the current day, servicing well over 300 simulators in Second Life and providing a persistent and managed role playing experience for hundreds of thousands of players in Second Life since first being released.

Gamma Wave Games, LLC, is a privately held company and does not accept outside investment or venture capital at this time.

GWG Developers CoLA/CCS Dev Team QA Group Global Community Advisors

Lead Designer
Suzanna Soyinka

Lead Programmer
Melanie Milland

Engine Developer
Jora Welesa

SQL Development
Jora Welesa
Melanie Milland
Czar Sadofsky

PHP/Web Team
Suzanna Soyinka
Jora Welesa
Melanie Milland
Stormy Wilde
Maldoror Bowman

LSL/Mono Team
Jora Welesa
Melanie Milland
Suzanna Soyinka

2D/3D Art Design
Suzanna Soyinka
Stormy Wilde

System Resources
Suzanna Soyinka

External Resources
Sloan McCoy
Eata Kitty

QA Lead
Ashes Arizona

She Juniper
Titlacachaun Zeritonga
Charissa Korvin
Eianna Cale
Sam Troell
Taien Foulon
Scarlet Singer
Castalia Darkstone
Juicy Redstar
Jessicka Graves
Grey Blankes

Community Manager
She Juniper

English Community Advisors
She Juniper
Titlacahuan Zeritonga
Castalia Darkstone
Scarlet Singer

Spanish Community Advisors
Iliana Shabazz
Seb Contepomi
Scarlet Singer

European Community Advisors
Lexou Joubert
Trynity Vuckovic
Cross Voight

Gamma Wave Games NewsHey all, been awhile since I did any news so I thought I'd do a few updates to let people know where things stand.

First of all Melanie has CCS 1.0.5 just about fully encrypted, we should have a testing prototype done soon and the next and hopefully final beta should be issued to the beta group within the week barring any major problems.

Secondly, through the process of encryption there has been a lot of script level refinement. CCS should drop to around 1k script memory in total for script and HUD at final release. Which is about 20 times less script memory than CCS 1.0.4 currently uses. Also a lot of how CCS functions has been streamlined and improved, this should help with performance in high volume situations.

In CoLA related news, Chaoss has informed me that they do not wish to invest the time that the CoLA rebuild would take them. They have given me all the resources they've authored in the time we've been working together so I have the resources but the CoLA rebuild is pretty much all on me now so a lot of my time has been taken up with working in 3DSMax and creating new 2D resources for the build in Substance Designer 3. Regardless of the bad news, the rebuild will still be done, its just going to take me a bit of time to do it all myself. Unlike many in the Second Life RP development arena, I can back up everything I do with a certain amount of skill in all the required areas of development (though I do not claim to be an expert at any of them, which is why I like to work with people more talented than I am if I can), just doing this rebuild in mesh alone means its going to take more time...I won't claim to be half as skilled as Chaoss in regards to 3D asset creation for Second Life, but I have no intention to let this bump in the road stop me either. If someone wishes to help they're welcome to contact me, but as I've already committed a fair amount of money behind Chaoss on this rebuild I'm afraid I don't have the money to properly hire on any extra help, and I'd feel a little wrong asking people to do this kind of work for free.....its not exactly simple stuff after all. And it is a lot of the reason why my grid time has dropped severely, I'm having to kick everything up a notch to get up to speed to deliver on what I've promised and SL and 3DSMax don't play very nicely running at the same time. (One of these days I'll get a second computer when I can afford it.)

Regardless of that we all know SL is in a bit of a weird place right now. Despite Rod Humble's optimistic interviews about the state of the grid, you don't have to be a rocket scientist or a psychic to realize that all is not well with Linden Labs at this time. I am hoping for the best but I'm not going to be surprised if we see some major turnovers at Linden Labs soon, or some majorly problematic changes that make the grid we currently know into something a little different. Regardless of that....should the worst scenario come to pass...we do have Avination and Melanie behind us should we need to find a lifeboat in the scenario that the good ship "Second Life" actually scuttles itself and sinks. So...don't worry too much, even though I'm not all that thrilled with the thought of the Second Life having run itself into the ground and I hope that it does not...we do have appropriate back up for our community should it happen to do so...and if we need to use that option...we will. For now though...we're kind of holding our breath along with everyone else that has a vested interest in the health of the Second Life grid...and hoping that everything works out all right.

Please don't take this as any kind of declaration of no confidence in Linden Lab. I have a lot of confidence in Linden Lab and I like a lot of the people that still work there (though admittedly, there are quite a few people that no longer work there that I think probably still should). And I believe that they have a lot of good minds behind the project still and they will find a solution to the issues they are facing. Just like any good company does. All I'm saying is we will have options should the worst come to pass.

In closing, I have been doing a lot of external work as well on a project that probably won't be grid based, but is designed as another path for me to take should everything go banana shaped....I gotta have a hobby after all right? This has always been my dream and I'm not going to let go of it just because things are getting complicated.

So overall, chins up and lets have fun. One way or the other, we will continue to support our community and our users and deliver the best options we can for you all.
Gamma Wave Games NewsHey all I've been quiet the last few weeks due to hardware issues with my computer.

Took me a bit to actually diagnose the problem down to its actual source. I had thought that my video card was shorting out because every time I'd start a intensive 3D application like 3DS Max or Second Life or any other game the computer would shut itself down and restart with no error message or warning. But normal browsing and email didn't cause any issues.

After putting some money aside I purchased a new video card and installed it, but the problem continued to occur. After some investigation I decided to swap out the power supply for a back up power supply I had and the problem stopped occurring for a day but the back up power supply didn't have enough juice to maintain enough power for all my hardware so I had to replace it with a new one costing me a bit more cash to get a 800 Watt power supply that was up to the demands of my system.

After spending a morning getting everything back into working order it seems like the problem is now addressed, which means of course everything I wasn't able to address from my smart phone is more or less back logged and may take me a little time to get to it. Sorry for any delays in that regard. I've just been doing my best to deal with incoming issues via email so any note cards dropped to my Second Life account haven't been addressed because SL doesn't have a complex smart phone app.

Anyways over next week I should be getting somewhat back to normal and will get any note carded issues addressed. Far as the upcoming CCS update goes Melanie is more or less finished with her side of the update but has had a lot of real life issues to deal with so she hasn't gotten me the finished parts she was working on yet but will soon.

Just an update from my end, as I know things have been quiet from me and people might have been wondering if I'd dropped off the grid.
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