CCS NetworkAs everyone is well aware, we do not allow age play or child avatars in the City of Lost Angels, this has been in our rules for years literally since almost the day I opened the doors of the city back in 2006, I established this as an unacceptable part of Second Life that I was not going to allow in CoLA.

Of late though I've been getting a lot of requests for what constitutes a "child avatar" and people asking me for definitive definitions of what the exact criteria for being allowed to play in CoLA is.

Now you have to realize that this is somewhat similar to the United States Supreme Court's dilemma when they attempted to regulate the porn industry. They had to define what "obscenity" was, and the only true answer to that question is; "You'll know it when you see it."

This means that the United States Supreme Court, in essence realizes that it is nearly impossible to distinctly quantify what obscenity was in a singular definition that would define it legally in all respects.

Determining what constitutes a "child avatar" in Second Life is much the same as this dilemma. Its nearly impossible to make one blanket definition for what is right or wrong in regards to the way an avatar is designed, especially in a role play environment, and say "you must be "this tall" to ride this ride."

The simple facts are, a lot of problems come up in overall avatar development based on relative scales. My own avatar for Suzanna stands at 5'9" tall according to the viewer's avatar editor, but relativistically if I go to sims where other people aren't paying much attention to that, Suzanna looks like a midget or a very short person.

So the simple ruling on what constitutes a "child avatar" in CoLA simply must fall back on the discretion and judgment of the community and GM's on a case by case basis, its very much a case of "you'll know it when you see it". Being "short" does not immediately constitute the representation of a child, but depending on how its being played, it can.

So to try to answer this question once and for all, there is, technically, no "height" requirement for avatars in CoLA, there is simply the judgment and observance of our GM team, if they feel your avatars visual presentation is in violation of our zero tolerance policy for age play/child avatars, then they will tell you and you'll need to make a few adjustments to the avatar to try to avoid any questioning of your intent in how you represent yourself within our community, or any of the communities in the CCS network that have similar policies.

Sorry I cannot give you a more solid answer on this question, but its always been a subjective question and a subjective observation. This does not in any way change our zero tolerance policy in CoLA, if you come into CoLA and you're four feet tall and you're wearing bobby socks carrying a baby doll and start skipping around presenting yourself visually as underage, you will be pulled aside and told to change it or leave.

Effectively the GM's and Admins of the system have the ball on this, and they'll know it when they see it.
Gamma Wave Games NewsI don't often do opinion pieces, I'm generally far too busy working on various aspects of what CCS and CoLA has become to care one way or another but I have to say, of late, that there are many things that have become facts of our existence on the Second Life grid that I have to acknowledge.

But even as much as I could sit here and slag Second Life and Linden Labs simply because me doing so might get some kind of backlash effect going on in the court of public opinion I'm not going to do that and there are a lot of reasons why and I'll explain that as I get through this post.

Second Life was created as an engine of creativity, allowing people to take their ideas and make them real and share them with others. This is the legacy of Linden Labs, that it is the one platform that truly stood up and said "We believe you can do great things" and gave people the tools, however limited they might be, to do that.

I'm no egomaniac. I know that what I've done has only touched a few hundred thousand people in its time. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that CoLA and CCS is the savior of Second Life, cause far from it. But I am going to cover a few things that I think are important and why what we do, collectively, is so important.

Second Life has scaled down heavily since its inception as the most creative group of individuals in the room to a bunch of people who wouldn't say boo to a goose and a bunch of executives that are driven more by user metrics and total profits than the original vision of what SL was supposed to be. This is a fact of life, you know it every time you try to get support now. Six years ago as a minor land owner with a barely relevant business Lindens would show up on my door step to take care of the most simplistic of issues. Today I'm lucky if I can get a "Scout" to even realize that I'm not just some user that has a freebie home on a Linden continent.

This isn't to say that I've lost all dialog with Linden Labs, I'm still closely acquainted with several server systems developers on the Linden Lab side and sure I can send them an IM whenever I feel what I have to say is relevant to what they do, and I guess if I was just some unprincipled hack I'd contact them about all my problems since the Lab as withdrawn all semblance of Linden Level support even from its "Concierge" level customers. But I don't do that, the people I have direct access to are people that need me to concentrate on things that help make Second Life better or identify problems within the live environment, not to overwhelm them with my every concern about the I don't, and thats the way things are.

Simple facts are Second Life has become less about what it was intended to be, and more about certain things that we'd eventually expect of any company...the bottom line, what is most financially expedient, what gives the best marketability for investment, that kind of thing.

I could opine for quite some time on how I think a strong user/service relationship is gigantically marketable but that would likely fall on deaf ears and I'm not really writing this to talk to Linden Labs because like it or not, they're going to do whats best for them, regardless of anything us, the users do.

Simple facts are we must consider ourselves, as users, and what we do in Second Life. What do we want Second Life to stand for, what should Second Life be?

Too much lately I have seen the proliferation of extremely short term development projects, ergo, "breedables" becoming a huge focus amongst developers and to be frank all I can do is shake my head when I see it, and when I see the time that goes into developing them, then the mad, frantic amounts of real life money people dump into them, only to have them become worthless in the long term when the next awesome "breedable" comes out to replace them.

Is this really equatable to the immense artistic efforts of developers and designers that have serviced this platform for the last 7 years or so? Lets look at a genuine worth example that has absolutely nothing to do with what I do but focuses on the contributions of developers who might not even care who I am.

In 2005, I bought some outfits, for my character, from Munchflower Zaius, of Nomine fame. I still have these outfits, sometimes I wear them, sometimes I wear pieces of them, but what I can say is that even now six years later, these items that have not been new for six years now still have value and relevance to this day for me.

Whereas I've watched any number of breedable pet in the last couple of years become the hottest thing on the grid, only to quickly fade into obscurity to be replaced by the next big thing. And hundreds of thousands of dollars have been tossed into this pool of absolute zero value, simply because someone, somewhere, has decided for a short time that they are worth something more than what was originally spent on them simply if you put time, money and effort into producing variant "genetic" strains for the purposes of selling them to other people who believe this imaginary thing has value.

Difference is, there are hutches and clutches and stables full of bunnies and dragons and horses and all kinds of things from a few years ago that no one other than a very finite group of people think are worth anything..and why? Something new came along to take their place.

And this is the difference between marketing and value. All of these things have been marketed very well. But all of them quickly fell into becoming worth less than was actually spent on them.

Whereas a good handful of things I purchased from Munchflower Zaius several years ago, are still worth exactly what I paid for them then, and retain their worth, no matter what.

So we have to think about what we expect of our "grid", is it really about whoever can make a splash with the "next big thing" and grab as much cash as they can while the iron is hot? Or should we establish our grid based on long term concepts which benefit more than a small handful of people at best?

For me its never been about the money, its nice to be solvent enough to be able to shoulder the expense of thousands of people enjoying what I've created, its nice to live modestly in relative harmony with my finances to ensure that the ideals I've put forth benefit more than just myself but hundreds of sim owners and designers and tens of thousands of players every week.

So what is our grid really about, when it comes down to it? Is it about making as much money as you can then fading out with the knowledge that you at least don't have to worry about anything but taxes for awhile? Or is it about creating living, breathing communities that can stand up and be viable alternatives to mainstream offerings, for people to enjoy?

I come down firmly in the second camp. Second Life has given me the ability, through what talents I have, to be able to share an idea with others that I think is very important, that its the characters in a story that matter, that its not about the money, its about the depth and richness of the experience that you can offer that truly matters, that its not about the player reacting to the world, but the world changing around the player.

This is my ethos, its whats driven me to do what I've done here in Second Life. And its something everyone in Second Life needs to think about. What is the grid about? Is it about taking the money and running? Or is it about standing up for something you truly believe in and putting every ounce of skill and effort you have behind that?

Just some thoughts I was having, while marinating in a slightly painful post root canal haze. Take it for what its worth.
CoLAHeya all, we just spent the whole weekend promoting CoLA and CCS to around 25,000 people to the A-Kon Anime and Gaming Convention in Dallas, Texas.

We had a great time and spent a of time along side Anthony Brownrigg, the director of Archaic Redemption and Emerick Jade, the actress who is playing Jaxxie Jules in the movie and of course general girl wonder extraordinaire, or at least from what we saw of her at the convention.

As you might expect after getting home we were still a bit wound up and it took awhile to get to sleep, but eventually slept like the dead.

I know a lot of people are asking about the second free respec, yes I did mention a few times it would be after the 12th of June, and yes it will be, but I would like everyone to please relax and realize that I'm a human being and I just need a day to recover before we get back to the business of CCS and all that.

So expect the free global respec to be pushed network wide on the 14th, and my availability in world will become more regular then as well. Just need to unwind and get back to normal here.

If you haven't checked it out we got a ton of pictures at the Con and I made several good industry contacts while doing gaming panels at the convention, you can check all that out here at the Official City of Lost Angels Facebook
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