CCS NetworkUPDATE: Linden Labs has agreed to leave the sims open until March 9th to allow renters in that sim to retrieve any potential items or objects they wish to recover from the sims before the items are lost for good. If you have irreplaceable objects or simply want to take some pictures of places you liked, in either Lost Vegas South or Vampires Asylum, please get them in the next 24 hours. And thanks to Linden Labs for stretching the closure date to try to be courteous to the community. - Info from Jolene Merlin.

Hey all, as you may have noticed the Vampires Asylum and Lost Vegas South Sims have gone off the grid. This is something we have been putting low key warnings out about for a few months now.

Effectively though, several months ago we received a message from an individual who had come online and stated that Karoline Merlin had died in real life. We were unable to confirm this as a fact so we did not, at the time, push forward with a large effort to memorialize her or to spread the news around because for all we knew it could have simply been someone playing a twisted and rather evil game.

Regardless of that there have been multiple attempts from myself, and Melanie and many other members of the CCS Community to get in touch with Karoline since then, to my knowledge there have been no replies from Karoline to any of them, so as of around December we started giving quiet warnings that there might be a problem with the sims.

Regardless of that, apparently today the sims have gone offline for good according to Linden Labs, further information, of course, is not theirs to give us, but I think its safe to assume that at this time, its entirely possible that the person we knew as Karoline Merlin has passed on.

This is unfortunate as Karoline was fairly young, only in her early 40s to my knowledge, and she worked very hard with CCS for several years, working closely with both the Damnation and CoLA chains, as well as supporting the CCS network in her time with us.

I'm sorry to have to think of her as dying an untimely death, but it seems that this is all we can assume at this time, unless we are otherwise corrected beyond this point.

So, my apologies for not taking a moment to "remember" Karoline before right now, but I simply had no way to know for sure, and did not want to reinforce what could have only been a rumor.

So, if what we believe has happened has truly come to pass.....Rest In Peace, Karoline. And thank you for everything, you were a great help to us and you will be missed.
#11 | Scarlet on March 08 2013 00:09:52
She did a lot for many of us in the CCS community - she always made me laugh with her brand of humor. From the times she setup the naked sparing and we all ran around in circles with our SL bits out to her showing me how to use the database so I wouldn't accidentaly break CCS somehow. I really hope it isn't true, but even if it isn't or if it is, I <3 you Karo, thanks for everything. Miss ya.
#12 | Zarin on March 08 2013 12:30:44
She helped a lot of us and this is sad... but i want to think she is safe and happy .We will miss u :°
#13 | Ruairi on March 08 2013 21:32:07
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam
#14 | sexy furse on March 08 2013 22:55:22
known Karo 6 years since her days as a Malk ,later GMed for her in Vampires Asylum when she first opened it , ill be honest say i cried of hearing the sad news ,Karo was always honest and worked her ass off for all and rare gem in this world, ill miss her dearly im proud to have called her a friend
#15 | april chung on March 09 2013 04:22:45
Rest in Peace Karoline..
CCS was her world.. she will be deeply missed.
#16 | maldoror on March 09 2013 04:53:48
So sorry to see this: anyone who has been in CCS more than a year or so will remember how much help Karo gave in CCS support, often fielding three or four issues at once without ever losing track, and always ready to help players out in IM.
#17 | Corruptor Blackheart on March 09 2013 06:39:08
I hope that God gives her family the strength and support to carry on without her. She was one of the most helpful people I came across in the CCS community and she will be greatly missed by everyone.

Her loss is irreplaceable.

She may no longer be with us but she will never be forgotten and will always be remembered.

Rest In Peace
#18 | razza sewell on March 09 2013 13:18:04
I Met Karoline a few times in CCS had the pleasure of a CCS fight with her .Karo was one heck of a nice woman and a wealth of information.When she needed to come down on a person for getting out of line it was done fairly and swiftly. So in your time today in game play take the time too say Goodbye to a key player in the development of the meter and always a big help from what i saw of her...RIP Karoline you will be sorely missed but never forgotten......
#19 | kane on March 09 2013 15:22:49
Karo went out of her way to help ppl in our community as both a GM, sim owner and player for a long time... this is very upsetting, I am going to miss her deeply. Both the Malks and AR families will miss her presence.
#20 | silke cuttita on March 10 2013 01:18:34
Very bad news !!! <:-((((

When i remember back , VA was the 1st place where i got a house (was in medieval VA ). I found there my 1st Clan Toreador Antitribu. Had there in urban SIM my house again. I remember Karos GM Tower in medieval SIM. I remember nice hours there.
Can only hope know that she isn`t really dead , maybe just switched fully in her " Eve Game " she played last months instead of CCS.
At least nobody knows for sure whats her status now. Only can hope the best.
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