Hey all just to let you know the Director of the Archaic Redemption Unleashed movie, Anthony Brownrigg and representatives from CoLA will be sharing a booth at the A-KON Anime and Gaming Convention this June 10th through the 12th at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel.

So if you're going to A-Kon be sure to drop by and meet Anthony and the CoLA/GWG staff at the AR/CoLA booth, and be prepared for the usual wild con atmosphere.

We should have some swag on hand for both the movie and CoLA so if you're at the con and you're a CoLA player just talk to the CoLA reps at the booth and if we haven't run out yet, get your hands on some free CoLA t-shirts!
#1 | sickjessi on June 01 2011 14:31:21
If only A-Kon was in Los Angeles...I would be there so hard it hurts.
#2 | StormyWilde on June 01 2011 20:37:55
So close yet so far away....
#3 | Jolene Merlin on June 07 2011 11:30:36
Would love to be there myself, too bad this isn't in Atlanta, kinda surprised it isn't since most Con's like this typically are.. lol
#4 | DavidJoshua Artful on June 08 2011 03:26:11
Absolutely fabulous. It looks like they are also hosting a performance of Repo! The Genetic Opera there this year.
#5 | Tempest Ella on June 08 2011 16:20:40
Grin Exciting !!!!!!!!!!! I really wish i could go/be there
#6 | Wycked Frakture on June 23 2011 01:54:34
I am bummed that I didn't know this information two weeks ago, or I -so- would have been there. Sad day.
#7 | enteleDielimi on August 28 2012 16:47:54
There are several sorts of pebbles you can use, right from great degrees to help chunkier choices. In my opinion any moderate primary tiny rocks is best as things are much easier to hike at and does not end up ensnared inside the proceed for shoes or boots and / or quite easily propagate around. A gravels within hues. Purchase a colouring which combinations well through any material you've got from the yard. Once distributing tiny rocks covering the demanded community, you should definitely make use of more than enough to produce a detail having a minimum of 6cm. And once raised, any boulders garden will need a little excessive weeding for that novice as well as couple of. But when this plants turn into well developed they should be tall enough to help stones suppress virtually all penetrating unwanted weeds. Additional tiny rocks are generally applied as required.

There's an easy large list of herbs well suited for pebbles sabatini gardens as well as shrubs, light sources, perennials and also annuals. Make absolutely certain you're tuned in to a final size of guarana prior to putting it all, reduced plants and flowers can simply turn out to be swamped by means of people who cultivate even larger. For incandescent bulbs, try the two small, and bigger forms of allium together with colchicum. Bushes such as hebe, cistus and additionally cordyline go perfectly inside gravel gardens. Herbal remedies are also a good option because they definitely will give off their flavorful fragrance whilst you lightly brush former these people. Place lavender, peppermint, santolina and also thyme. There's a lot of herbaceous perennials you might use, our favourites features and functions contain euphorbia, kniphofia, nepeta, osteospermum and even sedum. You can also benefit from grasses for tiny rocks Gravel Calculator landscapes.
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