CCS NetworkHey everyone.

As a method of helping to support the network, we have decided, at the suggestion of many players, GMs and sim owners, to allow for respecs and character transfers to be purchased.

Let me be clear about a couple of things first. Free respecs will still be given on game updates. Respecs are still attainable for free if you RP for them. And new players always start with one respec available so they can change their race/class after learning a bit about the game. Nothing changes about those situations.

Character transfers were put on hold due to us discovering massive fraudulent accounts being transfered that were actually bot camped accounts that people bought from other users....our basic stance on this from now is that if you want to do that...go ahead, the violation of the Second Life TOS is your problem..but if you're going to pay someone else for a high level account, you might as well be paying us for the right to move that XP somewhere.

So here is the basic breakdown on pricing and how you can purchase the services to help support CCS.

Respec's are a flat rate cost of L$5000 and can be purchased on demand by contacting She Juniper or Seb Contepomi (at the moment some of our other senior staff have RL issues so they're not currently listed as contacts), you can also contact me personally, Suzanna Soyinka, for this service.

The process is simple, you pay Suzanna Soyinka L$5000, and then paste the transaction info from your chat log to the person you've contacted to set up the respec.

Respecs found to be issued erroneously, or issued based on faked transaction data will be revoked and of course you may face a potential ban if you exploit this service. So, please don't be silly about it. If you want a free respec, wait for one to be issued by the network, or RP for one..don't try to cheat CCS while pretending to try to support it.

XP Transfers:

XP Transfers can be done by the same individuals listed above. The policy on XP transfers is now literally changed to no questions asked. If someone contends that you illegally accessed their account and transferred their XP, the account compromise issue is something that Linden Labs will sort out, but on our side, the transferred account will immediately be frozen until Linden Labs resolves the dispute, so...please don't do this okay?

The costs for this are tiered by level and are as follows:
Level 1 - 10: XP Transfers are Free
Level 11 - 20: L$2500
Level 21 - 29: L$5000
Level 30 - 49: L$10000
Level 50 - 69: L$15000
Level 70 - 90: L$25000

- Once a transfer is completed there are NO REFUNDS... if you later decide it was a mistake, the original account cannot be restored unless the appropriate fee has been paid again

- The XP of the origin account is ZEROED out and subsequently deleted in favor of the transfer to the new account.

- The XP points REPLACE the new account´s XP value: they are NOT ADDED.

- If it is later found that the accounts were obtained in a fraudulent manner, the XP transfer will be reversed WITHOUT REFUND, and may be subject to the cancellation and/or ban of the transferred account.

So just some basic info on services we've decided to offer to allow you all that enjoy the CCS Network to help us keep it on the grid for you. None of these are compulsory charges and you're not required to utilize any of them, but they're there if you want to use them and they can help the CCS Network to continue to pay the bills associated with providing the service we provide to the Second Life Grid.

Hope this has been helpful and clarified the new services being offered and why we're offering them.

Peace all, and have fun!
CCSBeen a bit of a short amount of news due to being relatively busy with the "having to do stuff to live indoors and eat every day thing"...regardless I have some upcoming stuff I want to do in regards to Second Life and what not.

First thing on the list is...of course, CCS, the goddamn update thats taken two years is nearly completed. I expect to be ready to roll with this sometime in May barring major problems.

Second thing on the list is before I actually release the update, I want to have a closed door CCS Community Meeting with all our long term sim owners and a few key CCS players from each of their communities to have a little chat about what my ideas for CCS going forward in 2014 are, and how I feel they're beneficial to the players and the games fairness and longevity going forward into the future.

Thirdly on the list is mostly down to the CoLA folks, but I'm going to be in process of a full mesh overhaul of CoLA, SMD, Pasademon Point and North Gate soon...this will be one of those things I'll basically hammer in all at once once the assets are done. Some GMs have proposed doing an interim event which causes some pretty widespread destruction to the sim prior to replacing it with a far more up to date build as far as current gen tech if you have some thoughts on that, feel free to bring them up in the forums.

Target Date for the Sim Owner/Long Term Player - Community Meeting I'd like to shoot for is : 10 MAY 2014 @ 1400(2PM) Hours PST(SL Time).

Format for invitation to this round table is going to be simple. If you are NOT an administrator on an active CCS sim, you will not be invited UNLESS an administrator that has scheduled themselves to be there has listed you as an invited player advocate.

Simple way to get involved in the CCS Community Meeting is for a sim owner/admin to send me a notecard in Second Life, with the subject: MEETING DELEGATION, in the body of the notecard, list your own name, the name of any other sim administrator from your sim that would like to be involved. You may invite up to two Player Advocates to join you as well, but they must be listed in your Meeting Delegation notecard that indicates you do intend to attend and be part of the discussion. I am trying to keep this meeting down to a small amount of individuals to save time for everyone so please do not attempt to bring along entire clans. One sim administrator and one player advocate would be optimal, in this manner, at least we can ensure there won't be 500 people standing around all talking over each other.

Anyways, get your notecards to me, and again, please, if you are not a CCS sim owner/ not send me a notecard asking to attend. If you feel you are a player that can add a level of insight and helpful discourse to the meeting, please contact a sim owner/admin that you know and ask them to consider you as their player advocate.

Thanks all, sorry for the long periods of silence but I can't really tell people stuff when theres nothing to tell anyone. Thankfully we do have some stuff coming up that needs to be discussed, so I'd definitely like to discuss it with the people that have stuck by us all these years so they can know, and help shape, how the future is going to look as CCS updates and expands within the grid in 2014.
CCS NetworkJust a quick note to everyone involved with CCS in all its many sims. Have a great holiday this year.

And remember, no matter what day it is, your friends and family are always important. Make sure you take the time you can have with them this holiday, and enjoy it for all its worth.

For those of you without family, remember to do the same with the families you have chosen for yourselves.

In the end, no matter what holiday you celebrate this season, its the people you love that matter over any other thing. Make sure you give them your best this year, even if the best you are capable of is to tell them that you love them.

See you all on the other side of 2014. My my how the time flies.
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