CCS NetworkIf you can't read this then I suggest you find someone to translate it for you.

Let me be abundantly clear. The sale of Second Life avatars is expressly forbidden by the Terms of Service of Second Life.

The sale of CCS accounts, is also, by proxy, expressly forbidden by the CCS Terms of Access.

Anyone found to be selling Second Life accounts with CCS accounts attached to them will have that account banned or deleted. Period.

I don't care if your dog logged you in and typed the message, if someone "framed" you by using your account, its because you gave them your password in the first place which means by the Terms of Service of Second Life you are already responsible for the actions of whoever uses that account since you gave them your password.

This is a zero tolerance policy announcement. If you are found to be selling SL avatars in CCS those avatars will be removed from CCS entirely.
Dejenme ser muy clara. La venta de los avatares de Second Life esta extrictamente prohibida conforme a los terminos de servicio de Second life, La venta de cuentas CCS, por el servidor proxy, esta tambien prohibida de acuerdo a los terminos de acceso de CCS.

Cualquier persona que encontremos vendiendo cuentas de Second Life con CCS obtendran un baneo o su cuenta sera borrada sin excepcion. No me importa su su perro lo logeo y escribio el mensaje, si alguien mas lo "expuso" usando su cuenta, es porque en primer lugar le diste tu contraseña, lo que quiere decir que segun el TOS de Second Life tu eres responsable de las acciones de quien sea que use tu avatar ya que tu mismo le proporcionaste el acceso a esta.

Esto es un anuncio de cero tolerancia. Si encontramos que vendes tu o cualquier otro avatar en CCS, estos seran removidos del sistema por completo.
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