Archaic Redemption and CoLA at A-Kon 2011
Posted by Suzanna Soyinka on June 01 2011 01:06:35
Hey all just to let you know the Director of the Archaic Redemption Unleashed movie, Anthony Brownrigg and representatives from CoLA will be sharing a booth at the A-KON Anime and Gaming Convention this June 10th through the 12th at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel.
So if you're going to A-Kon be sure to drop by and meet Anthony and the CoLA/GWG staff at the AR/CoLA booth, and be prepared for the usual wild con atmosphere.
We should have some swag on hand for both the movie and CoLA so if you're at the con and you're a CoLA player just talk to the CoLA reps at the booth and if we haven't run out yet, get your hands on some free CoLA t-shirts!